New Baby! Anyone want to help me sex it? (Pic heavy)


New Member
I got this baby veiled from yojon3000 today :) It is so cute and very beautiful!!
I still don't know if it is male or female though. I took my female out who is very close to, if not, the same age and her feet look smoother. It seems like there is a bump on the back of the foot but I don't know if it counts as a tarsal spur.
Here are some pictures!





Males Veileds have spurs on their back feet and females Veileds do not have spurs. You have a female, congratulations.
I picked up a veiled last week. I was curious because the bump I "saw" was only on its left foot. It was supposed to be a male and after a few days I would stare at its back feet. I kept swearing that I saw a bumb, didn't see a bump, did again. Blah Blah Blah. Eventually I trusted my instinct and contacted the seller. They traded mine back for a male. But I about went crazy looking for days! The cham probably thought I was nuts too. I think sometimes you want to see something so bad you start to believe its there. Haha
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