new chameleon owner


New Member
Ok so I'm a new owner of a Veiled Chameleon. I somewhat know my way around but not everything. I've been researching. I believe its only a few months old, about 3-4 inches. Honestly not sure on gender. His cage is mesh, about 2ft tall. We have the basking & uv light about 5in from the top. Now I believe the lights need to be off at night? My house gets no colder than 60. No hotter than 75-80. No moss at the bottom, just carpet? Lots of branches & a few fake leaves/vines. We have a dropper thing but it pours out, I can't get it to just drip water. So mist 2-3 times a day? Keep water drops on leaves. Feed 6 crickets 2x a day? And offer worms? Sometimes veggies, squash, carrot, ect? I want to get a live plant, best type to put? Anything I can do about the smell, I've had him for less that 24hrs & it's a very earthy smell in the room. If I open my curtain during the day, do I turn off its lights? I want to be a good reptile owner, I've always wanted a chameleon. I know they can carry diseases, so wash hands after. Please if I'm wrong on anything or I need to know anything else, tell me! It's very calm & doesn't mind being held
Also I think it's a girl now. The pic is my profile pic. There's no bulge. So this means she'll lay eggs? If so, how soon?


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Everyone is also telling me not to turn off her light


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She won't stop hanging on the top of the cage closest to the light. Its pretty warm & I don't want her to get to hot
When I bought the set up I wasn't sure what was in, so i m going back today to get more branches. And no the lights about 4-5 inches away
Woah.... poor lil guy has no where to hide close to his heat.
Many more branches required, and much more cover is needed.

I'm no expert. but to give you an idea. Here is my Veileds set up.
All good. Everyone here is here to help / learn!

I have a nice big Pothos in mine, a couple of spider plants at the top, cant remember the name of the one at the bottom with the red in the leaves. Affordable, grows fast and provides great areas for drinking after misting.

To hold branches in place, use thumb tacks through the screen and into the end of the branch.
Yea lots more plants they have pothos at walmart 5$ a piece he needs Way more that's why he is on the screen he had no where else to climb. The cage should be mostly FULL of places to climb.


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MagnoLia tree is my blanche's favorite but they are pretty big. Get some plants as soon as possible. I would hate for her to fall from the top screen.
MagnoLia tree is my blanche's favorite but they are pretty big. Get some plants as soon as possible. I would hate for her to fall from the top screen.
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