New Member
Ok so I'm a new owner of a Veiled Chameleon. I somewhat know my way around but not everything. I've been researching. I believe its only a few months old, about 3-4 inches. Honestly not sure on gender. His cage is mesh, about 2ft tall. We have the basking & uv light about 5in from the top. Now I believe the lights need to be off at night? My house gets no colder than 60. No hotter than 75-80. No moss at the bottom, just carpet? Lots of branches & a few fake leaves/vines. We have a dropper thing but it pours out, I can't get it to just drip water. So mist 2-3 times a day? Keep water drops on leaves. Feed 6 crickets 2x a day? And offer worms? Sometimes veggies, squash, carrot, ect? I want to get a live plant, best type to put? Anything I can do about the smell, I've had him for less that 24hrs & it's a very earthy smell in the room. If I open my curtain during the day, do I turn off its lights? I want to be a good reptile owner, I've always wanted a chameleon. I know they can carry diseases, so wash hands after. Please if I'm wrong on anything or I need to know anything else, tell me! It's very calm & doesn't mind being held