New food....lobster!?


New Member
Hi all,need some help from you guys...picked up these new feeders today from a pet store i have used before,the guy told me they would make a good feeder for my girl Trixxi,he said they were called LOBSTERS here are some pic's of them,sorry that they are crap photos but these little bleeders move pretty fast!:eek:they are about an inch long(if that helps!)

Lobster Roaches. Nauphoeta cinerea

I wouldn't be handling that guy so freely, they have the potential to infest your house.

They make great feeders though, I kept them for years. Moved on to dubias though, they're better.

With about 50 adults you could start a pretty great colony, they grow pretty quick.

Lobster Roaches. Nauphoeta cinerea

I wouldn't be handling that guy so freely, they have the potential to infest your house.

They make great feeders though, I kept them for years. Moved on to dubias though, they're better.

With about 50 adults you could start a pretty great colony, they grow pretty quick.

LISTEN to the wisdom of Brock;)

Nick guys are scaring the heck out of me:eek:!!going to try to take their legs off so they cant escape,wish me luck!...first feed in the morning,i'll let you know how i go:eek:
Get some bug stop from Pro Exotics........keeps them contained...

This is the only Roach species that I've been able to breed successfully.
Every time I fed lobsters out of my colony to my lizards, I would stand there for 10 minutes snipping their legs off with a small pair of scissors.

After I got tired of that while the collection of reptiles grew, and I even found two roaches with no legs crawling around months later, I started pressing some straight edged tongs into each roach so they were partially split in two (but still whole). They move around for enough time for the animals to eat them, but they won't survive if they escape. Just cutting the legs off is like pulling your fingernails off; it causes some impairment but not enough to prevent you from breeding lol.

If you take precautions like that, and you're diligent about it, you won't have a problem.

However, if you screw up even once, you'll be finding roaches for months/years to come.
Every time I fed lobsters out of my colony to my lizards, I would stand there for 10 minutes snipping their legs off with a small pair of scissors.

After I got tired of that while the collection of reptiles grew, and I even found two roaches with no legs crawling around months later, I started pressing some straight edged tongs into each roach so they were partially split in two (but still whole). They move around for enough time for the animals to eat them, but they won't survive if they escape. Just cutting the legs off is like pulling your fingernails off; it causes some impairment but not enough to prevent you from breeding lol.

If you take precautions like that, and you're diligent about it, you won't have a problem.

However, if you screw up even once, you'll be finding roaches for months/years to come.
Ah God Brock!i don't know whats worse,sniping their little legs off or stabbing them:eek:guy in the shop didn't tell me that lol!don't leave me much choice really...i'll start to polish my tongs!*evil laugh*!!
Well.....she took the lobster roach!in the end i couldn't bear to snip it's legs off or stab it with my tongs! I just held it on the end of the tongs and let it wriggle around for a while,she didn't seem to interested at first but took it in the end!it's the biggest feeder i have ever given her and for minute i thought it may have been a little bit to big for her!but after chomping at it she finally got it down!
Ronnie, how are you keeping them?

They can climb glass and will. So be sure you have some Vaseline spread around the edge of the tank or tub you keep them in. Make the spread about 3-4" wide alllll the way around. the nymphs might be able to climb out but the adults shouldn't be able to make it across.
Hi Summoner12,i am just keeping them in the tub they came in and remove what i need every night to gut load into another plastic tub for the morning,i've read about the Vaseline and when i cup feed trixxi tomorrow i will use the Vaseline around the top,cheers for the tips!:)
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My point is, they can get in and out of anything no matter the material without a barrier. Unless the container is pressure seals there is almost no way of keeping these suckers contained. I just don't want you to have issues down the road ;)
I first kept lobsters as feeders for a few years before I moved on to B. Dubia
My experience is that they stink. They emit a odor when caught. The Panthers refused to eat them (Veilds didn't like them either). I had to snip off the legs to slow them down enough for the chams to target them hoping that they were gong to get eaten
AND they climb glass and can infest the house.

Pain in ass.

Best to get some B. Dubia they're available by other members in the Misc section..
Right.........gave it a go,but,the lobsters gotta go,2 fast for me let alone Trixxi!never thought i would hate something more than crickets but i do,into the freezer for them..........I HATE LOBSTER ROACHES!!!!!:mad::mad:
These things are nasty man:eek: Becareful with them mate,I was finding them 6 months after getting rid of them:eek:

They can and will take over your gaff,if you let them
They are probably frozen by now. Ha ha! They are nasty looking things, that's for sure! Take out the tub and give it a shake - you'll soon know if they are frozen by the rattle, lol!!:D Best place for 'em I reckon!
Never EVER again!out of all my experiences' with feeders(limited i know!)i will never have these again in my house!!:eek:I'm gonna leave them in there for another hour.....just to make sure!
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