New owner. Cage pics and tips appreciated

well i think im going to try to get a few waxworms tonight at the store. to bring home to him. Just going to put them in the tank in a small dish. Can u cover the waxworms in the calcium dust?
Oh, and you little dude there is in fact a dude!(or if im seeing correctly by your picture) Vieleds are really cool because you can sex them from birth. Look on his back feet, if he as a little spur or bump on his heel(this is called a tarsal spur, he is in fact a boy. Girls do not have these. i attached a photo of a male tarsal spur.


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i got me a veiled chameleon on black friday and hes the same size as yours and same age but hes a male , you can tell by the color and size of the thing on its head , me and my dad like it lots , i feed it mealworms it loves them but i feed him 8 and then wait until he poops and 1 days after he poop too feed him :) just by a little bowl from a pet store put some meal worms in there and hell eat em right up , ps mine loves handling too :) good luck with her

First of all when they are that young, coloring is not the way to tell what sex. They are sexed by looking at the back of the heels on the back feet. Males will have a little spike or spur, females will not. As far as the casque(the thing on his head) that is not the way to determine sex until they are much older. It looks to me from the pic(and it is kinda hard to tell as it is not a close up) that he has a male, not a female.
New Cage!!

I love the movie tangled too! Haha im new to the chameleons too but make sure to put them in a screen cage!! An aquarium isnt a suitable environment for a chameleon. I also highly reccomend putting a ficcus plant in the screen cage, chameleons love to climb! No mealworms! They are very bad for them! Give ur new chameleon small crickets for now and silk worms! I wouldnt suggest hand feeding until your new pet is all settled in, stress causes them to die quicker!! Hope this helps! :)
Hello and welcome to the forums! Congrats on your new little one! You have received a lot of good advice so far. I can tell that you tried to make him a nice little home. Unfortunately, as you now probably know, he is going to have to have a screened in cage. It should be taller than it is long, since they like to climb and really won't spend any time on the bottom(unless it's a female to lay eggs or it's sick). The main thing to remember is to givve him LOTS of foliage so he can hide and feel secure. I got a few small dowell rods from Lowes and put them in there for extra horizontal climbing. I would also free range the crickets so he can hunt and see how that goes. Before I got mine, that is how he had always eaten, so I have kept feeding him that way and he loves it. They are sometimes very secretive about eating and drinking. Maybe they feel more vulnerable when they eat or something. Basically, you need to get him a screen cage with a couple of plants(umbrela work great) and a good 5.0 UVB light and a basking light. Also, as said before, you will need Calcium without D3 to dust feeders everyday, Calcium with D3 for once every other week, and a multivitamin for every two weeks. I alternate them every Sunday. I hope this helps you get on the right track to giving your little guy the best chance at a healthy, happy life. Good luck to you!!

Edited to add...As previously stated...a dripper is also needed for constant available and fresh water, as well as mistings.
Whoa...I'm not being rude, but you're set up is all wrong. You should correct it ASAP. That is a dangerous environment for your cham to be in. :eek: Chameleons are very delicate creatures, especially when they're babies. They need a proper set up to survive and flourish. I have a baby cham that is nearly 4 mos. old. This forum has been super helpful. :) Your cham may not be eating because you have it in the wrong environment. :( Please, please, please buy an open air enclosure. Do not use substrate. The cham can eat it and die. Don't just ditch the water and keep your cham inside of that aquarium, but please do get rid of the sitting water if you must keep your cham inside of the aquarium temporarily. Your cham can drown and it is a breeding ground for bacteria and parasites. Chameleons don't recognize standing water, anyway. They only drink moving water. You won't be able to mist or use a dripper in the aquarium because there is no drainage. Like I said, chameleons cannot be housed inside of an aquarium. You really need to get your cham into a proper enclosure. I'm not jumping down your throat. I'm just trying to help you and your new buddy out. After you correct your husbandry, you should see an improvement in your cham's appetite. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Everyone here is extremely knowledgeable, friendly and eager to help. Good luck to you and your little one. You'll enjoy caring for and watching your new buddy grow. :) Here are a few of my go to sources for baby cham care.

Here are a couple of helpful guides to cham care:

Gutloading is super important. What you feed your feeders is what your cham eats. Here is an easy to understand guide to gutloading:

Here's a list of safe plants to put inside of your enclosure:

Here is a link to an open air enclosure. You would need a small or medium size ReptiBreeze for your little baby.
I just got a new cham on black friday, she is the same size. I didnt see her eat at all at first, then about two days latter she was used to me and would eat in front of me. And they say thats rare. They also have to get used to your smell. But the worms I leave in a bowl for her all the time and she will get down and eat. you need small crickets and just let them roam around and they will find them. if you buy your crickets from like petco they are cheap and already gut loaded. you will have to put about 5 in there everyday. and poop is good. I was scared when I first got her but now she is pooping like crazy now. its a good sign. congrats on your new baby.
I just got a new cham on black friday, she is the same size. I didnt see her eat at all at first, then about two days latter she was used to me and would eat in front of me. And they say thats rare. They also have to get used to your smell. But the worms I leave in a bowl for her all the time and she will get down and eat. you need small crickets and just let them roam around and they will find them. if you buy your crickets from like petco they are cheap and already gut loaded. you will have to put about 5 in there everyday. and poop is good. I was scared when I first got her but now she is pooping like crazy now. its a good sign. congrats on your new baby.

Careful with the Petco crickets!!! You MUST gutload your crickets before feeding them to your cham. As far as I know, the pet stores do not gut load any of their feeders. Even if they did, they are not necessarily going to use what is best for your chams. You should gutload your cricks for at least 12 hours before feeding to your little ones. (I don't like the pet store gutloads such as flukers, etc. Not enough nutrients)
I just got a new cham on black friday, she is the same size. I didnt see her eat at all at first, then about two days latter she was used to me and would eat in front of me. And they say thats rare. They also have to get used to your smell. But the worms I leave in a bowl for her all the time and she will get down and eat. you need small crickets and just let them roam around and they will find them. if you buy your crickets from like petco they are cheap and already gut loaded. you will have to put about 5 in there everyday. and poop is good. I was scared when I first got her but now she is pooping like crazy now. its a good sign. congrats on your new baby.
Yes, it does take some time for a cham to get used to their new environment. They are scared and usually won't eat much until they become acclimated...and that's with a proper enclosure. In this case, the cham isn't in a proper enclosure and the husbandry isn't correct. I'm sure that has a lot to do with why it isn't eating much.

Also, the crickets at Petco aren't properly gutloaded. They feed them cardboard and low quality pre-made gutload (like Fluker's). You need to gutload your crickets with fresh produce and a good dry gutload such as Cricket Crack or Bug Burger. Sandrachameleon is an expert on gutloading. Read her blog entries. Gutloading your feeder bugs is very important. This simply means feeding them nutritious foods, so the nutrition is passed on to your pet. Chameleons need proper nutrition to flourish. Also, I wouldn't let the crickets just roam around in the enclosure that the cham is in right now. There is substrate and aquarium gravel in there. If the cham aims for a cricket that is crawling on the substrate and picks up some substrate along with the cricket and eats it, the cham will choke or get impacted. Very dangerous...If the husbandry and enclosure doesn't get, now....the little cham won't have much of a chance. Like I said, I'm not jumping down anyone's throat. I'm just trying to help. Please check out the links that I posted earlier in this thread and follow them. If you do, you'll have a healthy, happy cham.
well this sucks. Ive got over $500 invested in materials for this set-up. I also want the set-up to look nice. As of now i have it on a aquarium stand. Where i can hide the reservoir and wiring for lights behind the tank. If i was to go out and buy one of those screen tanks another $150 i dont think i could put it on the stand. Im still thinking of whats best to do. My brother has a home made screen top that sits on top of my tank i could buy off him. Its about 3ft tall.

Another problem i see with these full screen enclosures is what do you do about the crickets escaping>? I dont want crickets all over my house. Or have to worry about it. I didnt buy fruit flies at the store for this reason. What do i put at the bottom of the tank instead of the natural moss i have now?

BTW as far as i can tell he still hasnt eaten. I bought a little food holder that sunctions to the side of the tank and put 3 wax worms in there and as informed i have left him alone for the past few days and check and there still 3 worms sitting in there.
that seems to small also chameleons normally like screens beacuse they can climb them and they provide good air flow also use coco fiber instead of those blue pebbles and im not trying to be harsh im just trying to help your chameleon feel at home
that seems to small also chameleons normally like screens beacuse they can climb them and they provide good air flow also use coco fiber instead of those blue pebbles and im not trying to be harsh im just trying to help your chameleon feel at home

I wouldn't recommend coco fiber.. they can eat it and impact the chameleon. We suggest nothing on the bottom.
well this sucks. Ive got over $500 invested in materials for this set-up. I also want the set-up to look nice. As of now i have it on a aquarium stand. Where i can hide the reservoir and wiring for lights behind the tank. If i was to go out and buy one of those screen tanks another $150 i dont think i could put it on the stand. Im still thinking of whats best to do. My brother has a home made screen top that sits on top of my tank i could buy off him. Its about 3ft tall.

Another problem i see with these full screen enclosures is what do you do about the crickets escaping>? I dont want crickets all over my house. Or have to worry about it. I didnt buy fruit flies at the store for this reason. What do i put at the bottom of the tank instead of the natural moss i have now?

BTW as far as i can tell he still hasnt eaten. I bought a little food holder that sunctions to the side of the tank and put 3 wax worms in there and as informed i have left him alone for the past few days and check and there still 3 worms sitting in there.

I really feel for ya. It looks like you spent a lot of time and effort on your tank. :( I am sorry the pet store did not give you good advice. It is pretty common because chameleons have specialized care that differs from other reptiles.

But truth be told, if you continue to use that set up, your chameleon will not thrive. Air flow is essential .

Crickets usually are not small enough to fit through screen on a screen cage. You can use a feeding cup if your worried.

An adult male veiled will need a large screen enclosure 2x2x4 is what most people use. A baby can stay in a smaller cage. Veileds are full grown at about a year old.

It's possible to use a fake background to hide wiring behind the screen cage.

Only other option I see is take the chameleon back and get an animal that would work with you nice tank...
And I don't mean to sound rude with my last sentence. I just would hate for you to feel you wasted a bunch of money

Or try to make it work with the current set up...and if the chameleon starts to have problems due to improper enclosure , you decide chameleons are too much trouble or get sick too easily and give up on chameleons all together.

We all here just want you and your cham to be successful
I am not sure if this has been mentioned amongst all the great advice, but it looks like you have an inch or two water on the left half of the aquarium where the blue gravel is. If so I would get that out ASAP.
Hey dude it looks cool but the glass probably isnt the best idea. i mean it seams like a cheaper cham cuse its not a panther so just say screw it and see how long hell go if you also dont have the money for a new cage. zoomed ones are like 60 or 70$. He is probably a little young for worms cause rule of thumb is nothing bigger than his head. hell be chillin off crickets for now just make sure to dust like every feed. 6 times a week to feed to. hell probably eat from 5-10 a day u can figure it out over time. make sure to spray his cage once or more a day. uhhhhhh yea good luck dude!
I also feed mine meal worms and hes fine. just dont give him the darker ones but i wouldnt worry about worms til hes like 6 to 8 months or somethin just as long as hes bigger
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