New Veiled Chameleon

Hi everyone here at Chameleon Forums. My name is Andrew Rodriguez and I am new to this website so can somebody please tell me all about it. Also I got a new Veiled Chameleon named Leo and I was wondering if he looked to skinny because he is only eating 2 crickets a day here are some pics

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today she had like ten crickets and is slepping like a charm:D

You can normally get them at any pet stores. This has been a very educational thread for me. I am going to be getting a cham soon and all this information has helped me alot. Hope your little guy does well.

Andrew, you and everyone who helped you can be very proud of yourselves. It's not easy to look after a baby Chameleon. She is still so tiny and sweet so you need to be careful, but it's all looking good.

Just thought I'd recap this tread, I agree with David, good job Andrew and ever one who helped.

it's also good to see this tread is helping others (ie molson, and I'm sure others that haven't posted. it's great to see a story play out like this rather than (as it sometimes does), some one comes here with all the wrong setup and info (much the way this started) and are given great advice and info but refuse to take it, only to post a sick or dead chameleon a few weeks down the road.
Andrew you should post up some pics of your setup and Chameleon now that your pretty much done all your changes.
This thread was epic. haha I just love this whole thing. Andrew keep researching and reading and asking questions, you rock! Thank your parents for me also hahaha...
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