little leaf
Avid Member
based on how well my chameleons can stick to it
I have never bought a new couch, and last night we went shopping- (if my husband see's this post he would NOT be happy knowing my choice was based on chameleon toe nails
- good thing he does not use a comp/
) the couch HE really liked, I did too- but it has leather arm parts- in the back of my mind- I was thinking - " AHH - my cham can not grasp this, and fall
so we settled for the 2nd runner up ( I only picked this one because it has 100% grippe cloth all the way around - LOL ) but I like the couch too- and really - I do HATE leather furniture - its always to cold in the winter !
Here is Capone "test driving" the new couch
Here is Capone "test driving" the new couch
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