Other Reptile Species?

Other Reptile Species?

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    Votes: 134 30.1%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 235 52.8%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 42 9.4%
  • 7-9

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • 10+

    Votes: 22 4.9%

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I just aquirred a free california newt.. Got him in a jar when i went to go buy crickets for my chamm.. I did a bunch of research nd think i gae him a proper enclosure.. Seems to be doing fine tho.. :)


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Right now I have 2 bearded dragons, a veiled and a rose hair tarantula. Growing up we had snakes and a beautiful green iguana we built a huge custom cage for that my mother hates, but there has always been some sort of weird pet in our home <3
A Desert kingsnake, Gopher snake, 2 corn snakes, yellow rat snake, Rosy Boa, Dumeril's Boa, 2 Collard Lizards, a Leopard Lizard, Desert Spiny Lizard, Chuckwalla, Madagascar Giant Day Gecko, an Argentine Tegu, and 2 Tiger Salamanders.
I guess no1 ever stops at one reptile. Lol. I've about 15 leopard geckos, 6 tarantulas, crocodile skinks, an albino hognose and of course my chameleons, a veiled and a nosybe :D
Just got some baby tangerine leopard geckos.. Total of 4 retiles. :)


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Besides our young panther chameleon, we have a Merauke Blue Tongue Skink accompanied by glorious visions of "future reptiles" that we plan to own once we move out of the apartment (still a good few years down the road).
My husband is planning on a bearded dragon and a ball python. As for myself, more chameleons and possibly a tree monitor or two. ;)
How many other species of reptiles do you have?

We thought it would be interesting to see what other reptiles the community is caring for besides chameleons.

How about expanding the question to, "How many species of herps do you have?" I've always found it interesting that I know many keepers of chameleons that also have poison dart frogs. If you have a system set up of always making fruit fly cultures, a necessity with dart frogs, then providing your neonate chameleons with small food is a cinch as you'll always have flies hatching out. :)
I have a pair of green and bronze auratus:D

Actually you will find lots of people who have reef tanks along with dart frogs because they both have lots of diy and setting up and creating an ecosystem
Besides my veiled, I have a green iguana, a bearded dragon, three leopard geckos, a columbian tegu, a frilled dragon, a green basilisk and a water dragon.
Besides a few species of chameleons I keep several species of dart frogs, a pair Uroplatus phantasticus, U. Lineatus, A pair of Ornate Uromastyx, a pair of high red Brazilian rainbow boas, 2 pairs Anolis Allisoni and a Tarantula named Charlotte, hoping to add a pair of Nephrurus amyae in the very near future!
2 chameleons, 1 leopard gecko, bearded dragon and crested gecko. Gonna get 2 more beardies and some more crested geckos. :D
I hope to be getting a Male Panther in the future, but for now I've got my Female Green Basilisk (Jade). I've had her for 3.5 years and think she was at least 18 months old when I got her. Here's an old photo from about a year ago. The cage is so much more over grown it'd be impossible to get a photo without any of the plants.
3.2 Terrapene carolina triunguis (three toed box turtle)
2.1.2 Correlophus ciliatus (crested gecko)
1.1 Rhacodactylus auriculatus (gargoyle gecko)
1.5.3 Eublepharis macularius (leopard gecko)
1.1 Hemitheconyx caudicinctus (African fat tailed gecko)
1.1 Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblocki (Tarahumara Mountain kingsnake)
1.1 Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni (Nelsons milksnake)
1.1 L. t. campellii (Pueblan milksnake)
1.1 Heterodon nascius (Western hognose snake)
1.0 Python regius (ball python)
0.1 Python brongersmai (Red blood python)
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