Other Reptile Species?

Other Reptile Species?

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    Votes: 134 30.1%
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    Votes: 42 9.4%
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    Votes: 12 2.7%
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    Votes: 22 4.9%

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I have had nine turtles in the past, a couple tortoises and a leopard gecko as well as a bearded dragon. Currently I have three cats, saltwater fish tank and a red footed tortoise and Panther Chameleon.
Salt water aquariums were my thing after reptiles. No offense to reptile owners (myself included) but reptiles get so dul after awhile, it's the same eating sleeping shedding growing. Over and over. Salt water fish tanks on the other hand!! Man are they engaging, colorful, and always testing your limit!! Got to love my reef tank more then any reptile I've ever owned!!


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Is it OK if I list my non-reptile pets as well?☺ Besides my veiled, I have 2 leopard geckos, 1 white's tree frog, 2 rough green tree snakes, 1 crested gecko, 2 scarlet millipedes, several different species of poison dart frogs, 3 moon jellyfish, a betta, and a cat!
This one should be interesting... most of these species we actually do work with and we are trying to breed. Very few are here just for acclimation and will be for sale (C.brevicornis and F.petteri for instance). I'm sure I missed a few here or there... :p




Calumma gastrotaenia
Calumma nasutum
Calumma aff.boettgeri
Calumma malthe
Calumma brevicornis/crypticum

Trioceros deremensis

Furcifer willsii
Furcifer petteri

Ebenavia inunguis

Morelia spilota mcdowelli
Morelia spilota cheynei
Morelia bredli
Morelia spilota variegata

Simalia nauta

Lygodactylus williamsi

Manoria emys
Can you help me?

hi I'm a new chameleon owner and everything is so good but I was wondering if you guys can help me with a black dot on both of his head. When I found it he was rubbing his head against my finger then he attacked me and bit me hard.
hi I'm a new chameleon owner and everything is so good but I was wondering if you guys can help me with a black dot on both of his head. When I found it he was rubbing his head against my finger then he attacked me and bit me hard.
Hi Camo,

If you start a new post of your own under Health Clinic, you'll get more responses. Under Health Clinic, there is also a "How to Ask for Help" form that lists a bunch of questions. The more info you can give us, the better we can help you.

There is also a lot of really great information on the main page on general care and basic questions - on the right side of the screen, click on the square that says "Start Here".

Welcome to the forum!
3 Chahoua Geckos
3 Crested Geckos
2 Gargoyle Geckos
3 Leachianus Geckos
1 Green Tree Python
and my male and female Panthers

Here are a few of them:



Besides Zico,my Nosy Mitsio Juvenile male Panther,we also have...Loki the Crested Gecko,Izzy the Bearded Dragon & Kindra the Western Hognose.we also have 18 Tarantulas,1 African Pygmy Hedgehog,2 African Pygmy Dormice (aka micro squirrels),1 hamster,1 cat & a dog :)
I have a Florida Softshell Turtle Named "Lucky" I hatched him from eggs I found in my yard.. hatched 13 babys and released all but one

Pink Belly Sideneck Turtle named "Pinkbelly" I ordered her online . She is bigger than the picture as I have had her about a year and half. Its the only picture on my computer

and a Bells Angle Head Lizard named "Monster" who lives up to his ferocious name.. I have had him over 2 years

Your softshell is so cute! I love their little pig/snorkle noses. Adorable!

I've had box turtles since I was 9 and am well known as "the turtle lady" in the area where I live. These are babies that hatched just last week. They're 3-toed box turtles (presumably).
Cool how people that keep chams often have a love for reptiles in general.

In addition to my Jacksons, i currently have:

A Black Knobbed Map Turtle
A Stinkpot
A Northern Diamondback Terrapin
I have my baby male panther Kam Chancellor, bearded dragon Puff, ball python Caligula, and a pacman frog Tiberius. Also two kitties Sissy and Stevie. O and I can't forget Nero the beta fish.


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Okay that's all. I know I added a few too many kitty pics but they're my babies and I love when my two favorite girls are hanging out together especially when they help me fold clothes (or just lay on top of the clothes I'm trying to fold). I never thought a cat and lizard could be such friends. They sure love laying in the window together!


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