Other Reptile Species?

Other Reptile Species?

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I have 5 green anoles Enzo, Ivy, Ghost, Yoyo and Sam, 1 bearded dragon Ember Rose and just got my first veiled chameleon on August 24 2014 named her Artemis.
We have 2 crested gecko's and three gray tree frogs. I am slowly converting us from the typical dog, fish and guinea pig thank goodness
Great thread! So neat to see what everyone has. I am limited as my husband does not like reptiles at all but he has given in to my love of them and is OK with the few I have. Of course I got my first while he was out of the country for work and told him later...tee hee.

I have my 4 1/2 month old Panther, of course.

And I also have a 1 1/2 year old Bearded Dragon named Baby.
I read "Ferrits" list of critters aloud to my family at dinner. We howled! LOVED the names.

We only have 1 gecko besides our Cham, but also dogs, chickens, rabbits, a tail, & lots of fish. OH! Almost forgot "Louis", my aquatic frog!
Here's one of mine:D


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I have a western rat snake! :D

@IAmCarl, is that a gargoyle gecko? the first pic. or is it also a Uroplatus fimbriatus?
No chams yet but I have several species of poison dart frogs-1.1.2 Dendrobates Tinctorious Azureus, 1.2 Dendrobates Leucomelas, and 1.01 or 2.0 (unsure if one or both are calling) Ranitomeya Imitator Varadero.
I have a pair of Meru Jackson's Dwarf Chameleons, a 3-4 month old veiled, a VERY pregnant Jackson's, a Rudis chameleon, & 5 twenty day old Meru babies. I also care for my teenage daughter's two cats and one African side-necked turtle. Otherwise, all three of her pets would die!!!
Others Herps

I recently got rid of my Mexican black kingsnake to make room for my panther. I also have a few different species of Ambystoma. Unfortunately I am a herpetologist and my job requires me to keep various herps for pickling. Before anyone chimes in and tells me how terrible I am, please know it is for science and wildlife conservation. Without proper specimens we cannot further research.
I have a pair of green and bronze auratus:D

Actually you will find lots of people who have reef tanks along with dart frogs because they both have lots of diy and setting up and creating an ecosystem

Yes, I tend to find the people from the dart frog forum on the reef tank forum.

I myself keep 1.1 gargoyles geckos (very similar to crested geckos) 1.2 ranitomeya ventriculatus dart frogs, and one 60 gallon salt water tank at school. It's not technically mine, but I invested well over 500 dollars on it and helped build it from scratch.
I have a pair of electric blue day geckos, pair of lined day geckos, a 1:2 group of gold dust day geckos, a pair of giant Madagascar day geckos and a Mississippi map turtle which was my first. I have a few chameleons as well and I am planning on getting some good pictures soon and making a thread as I just acquired 4 more last night to add to my existing 5. :) unfortunately some species are not as readily available here in Canada as they are down in the states, but we do our best. :)
We currently have:
3.1 Ambilobes
2.0 Veileds
3.2 Jackson's
0.2 Bearded Dragons
3.1.1 Madagascar Giant Day Geckos
4.2 Crested Geckos
1.0.1 Sulcata Tortoises


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