Panther chameleon passed away and I dont understand what happened please help!

Thank you again! You really helped and helped me feel better. I really thing he was too and like you said if I get one again I deff have learned and will get him checked regularly. Thank you again for everything and all the help.
I really thing he was full of worms and that killed him. it sucks the vet missed it but i don't know what else it could have been. If anything for your next one i would just suggest getting a fecal done every 6 months. But i think you did the best you could with him he was lucky to have you. Your welcome i hope things get better for you.
You have no idea what her chameleon died from. On what basis can you make the assumption that he was full of worms? That is ridiculous. The only way to truly find out what killed the chameleon is to get a necropsy done. If you choose not to, then you will never really know why if there were no obvious signs. To the OP, was a fecal actually done? You said that he ruled out parasites? How was this determined? Without a fecal, that would be impossible, unless he had parasites that were visible under the skin, which I assuming he did not. I am very sorry for your loss and you seem like you were doing everything right. I have seen many, many chameleons suddenly die under the best of care, by the best of keepers. Their deaths usually will remain a mystery unless you get a necropsy.
You have no idea what her chameleon died from. On what basis can you make the assumption that he was full of worms? That is ridiculous. The only way to truly find out what killed the chameleon is to get a necropsy done. If you choose not to, then you will never really know why if there were no obvious signs. To the OP, was a fecal actually done? You said that he ruled out parasites? How was this determined? Without a fecal, that would be impossible, unless he had parasites that were visible under the skin, which I assuming he did not. I am very sorry for your loss and you seem like you were doing everything right. I have seen many, many chameleons suddenly die under the best of care, by the best of keepers. Their deaths usually will remain a mystery unless you get a necropsy.

Yea he did a fecal test and came back and told me his fecal was clean, thank you for your help and reply. I buried him already I know I will never know for sure know what truly went wrong without getting him a necropsy I just can't bring myself to do it I want him to Rest In Peace. It hurts me to think of him getting cute open and proded even though he's dead I understand but he was just my baby I just wanted to tell him goodbye and let him know I loved him and just let him rest. Thanks again everyone!
You have no idea what her chameleon died from. On what basis can you make the assumption that he was full of worms? That is ridiculous. The only way to truly find out what killed the chameleon is to get a necropsy done. If you choose not to, then you will never really know why if there were no obvious signs. To the OP, was a fecal actually done? You said that he ruled out parasites? How was this determined? Without a fecal, that would be impossible, unless he had parasites that were visible under the skin, which I assuming he did not. I am very sorry for your loss and you seem like you were doing everything right. I have seen many, many chameleons suddenly die under the best of care, by the best of keepers. Their deaths usually will remain a mystery unless you get a necropsy.
First of all I said I THINK that was the reason due to the bloated look of the chameleon. And second of all she had already said she got a fecal done. Read the whole post before being an idiot and talking crap. Or better yet just don't reply.
First of all I said I THINK that was the reason due to the bloated look of the chameleon. And second of all she had already said she got a fecal done. Read the whole post before being an idiot and talking crap. Or better yet just don't reply.
Well if the fecal was negative for parasites, then how do you explain that you THINK it was full of worms. So what did the vet miss then??? I am confused?? . I've been a member on here for 7 yrs this month. How about you? I've seen ALOT of people make stupid assumptions over the years with no basis. I guess some things will never change. And jus t for the record in original post, she said he was checked for parasites. She did not say a fecal was done. It could have been possible that he was checked for subcutaneous parasites without a fecal being done, that is why I asked if a fecal was performed. So maybe it's you that needs to read the whole post before talking crap.:D
Well if the fecal was negative for parasites, then how do you explain that you THINK it was full of worms. So what did the vet miss then??? I am confused?? . I've been a member on here for 7 yrs this month. How about you? I've seen ALOT of people make stupid assumptions over the years with no basis. I guess some things will never change. And jus t for the record in original post, she said he was checked for parasites. She did not say a fecal was done. It could have been possible that he was checked for subcutaneous parasites without a fecal being done, that is why I asked if a fecal was performed. So maybe it's you that needs to read the whole post before talking crap.:D
Well then you have no idea what you are talking about. Vets miss worms ALL the time. that is why i got my own and do it even week because they are very easy to miss. And it has nothing to do with how long i have been a member on the forum but what i have been through and the reptiles I have had. And yes I said I THINK thats what is was and who in the hell is it hurting saying my opinion....No one so who the hell are you to just be stupid and chime in where there was no need?!?! I didn't tell her that is for sure what happened nor did i say she needed to do something to cure the chameleon that could hurt it if it wasn't true, so tell we why did you think it was worth your time to bitch about it?!?!?! seems like your just lonely with too much time on your hands so you just talk crap to people just for fun and you have nothing to back up your bullcrap. I suggest reading the whole post before you start talking crap.. or better yet like i said don't reply at all no one needed you. And yes she did say that about the fecal in the messages right after the first post and thats how i know you didn't read the whole post you just jumped in like a 5 year old little kid and started bitching.
I'm really sorry for your loss. I would think maybe he had a tumor or an aneurysm that was bothering him and that's what caused him to end up in the plant, the way you found him. It would explain the tail thrashing as well as why he was healthy the day before. I will keep you and him in my thoughts. :(
I'm really sorry for your loss. I would think maybe he had a tumor or an aneurysm that was bothering him and that's what caused him to end up in the plant, the way you found him. It would explain the tail thrashing as well as why he was healthy the day before. I will keep you and him in my thoughts. :(

Thank you so much that actually helps a lot. I really appreciate your reply and your help! The aneurysm would explain a lot like you said. I just wish I would have know something was wrong before, it all happened so quick. Thank you again! I will always love him and he will always be missed.
I am very sorry for your loss.

I went through the exact same thing last year with my beautiful veiled. My boy had been healthy one day and swallowing his tongue the next. Then when he seemed on the mend from that he took a sharp turn and I had to euthanize him that morning. He was only 2 years old.

I too chose not to necropsy him, it's just too hard to do to your baby. So I understand where you are coming from. To me your husbandry seems right and you did everything for him. So it must have been something internal that is hard to explain and find, sometimes things just happen. Don't beat yourself up too bad, it will hurt for awhile and you may feel like you can never get back into the hobby. However, with time your wounds will heal and you may want to try again (it has taken me nearly a year to come back to the forums and want to return to the hobby). Life is delicate but the love you receive from animals makes every moment precious. Particularly with chameleons.

Again, I am so very sorry for your loss. But you have a whole community who's hearts break with you, so you are not alone.
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