Photographic evidence of chameleons in flight


Chameleon Enthusiast
Little known fact: Chameleons can fly. This behavior has only rarely been observed in nature and may be related to a complex mating ritual. Until now, reliable photographic evidence has never been publicly available. Even today, only the shadow of this magical event could be captured. :D


  • uploadfromtaptalk1376366934532.jpg
    44.3 KB · Views: 209
Ferdinand is a xanth.

He finally discovered that he can climb the screen door to the balcony. I knew he would figure it out eventually... There's no stopping him now!
Another funny one of screen climbing :D Ferdinand HATES the roofers when they climb up onto our balcony.


  • cameraAOutput_38.jpg
    48.5 KB · Views: 113
If I had a camera on my boys like you do I would get NOTHING done all day! :) Good to know you have a watchcham guarding the house though...
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