Picassos Trip to the Vet


New Member
Well, finaly got Picasso to the vet. The vet said he couldn't for sure tell me right then exactly how he came to be covered in these bumps but said he believed Picasso was suffering from basically a whole lot of abscesses.

He said a whole bunch of stuff about it all probably stemming from the toxic rhododendron plant that was in his cage and the massive amount of free roaming crickets I told him were in the cage when I got him home. He also said he'd never seen a reptile covered in so many abscesses at once but that thankfully seemed to be healing up extremely well all on his own. He brought up some other possibilities, cancers, fungal infections, but didn't think that's what these are and won't really know for sure until he gets the results back on the samples I gave him as well as a few he gathered during the visit. I scheduled a follow-up for next week but he said things are looking really good. He gave Picasso an injection of antibiotics, cleaned up the worst of the bumps, gave me some info on caring for a sick reptile and sent me on my way. He instructed me to continue with the antibiotic ointment if any of them open up but since the last pics I posted of him, all of Picassos sores have completely healed over, some of them even disappearing already, and the ones on his face are about 15% of their original size. I had actually brought in the first pictures I had posted on here of his so he could see how bad he was. :D

Anyway, I'm sooo unbelievably happy with the outcome of all of this and because of it have become intensely attached to the little bugger who will most definitely have a much much happier life then he's had.

Thanks again to everyones help and support through all this. Ill make sure to post what the vet ends up telling me when he gets the results back but were both pretty confident whatever the actual issue was it's over now:)
Oh, forgot to mention we did have a little bit of bad news too. Seems he's completely blind in his right eye but thankfully the left is fine.
I am glad to hear you got so much good news! Sry to hear about the eye, but it seems as if he will be just fine in your care
Great news! Glad you found him...or he found you!!! Can he shoot his tongue and hit his prey with one eye blind? I was thinking they needed both eyes for accuracy.
Thanks guys! Yeah, I can't tell ya how happy I am that he's doing so splendidly! It just shows ya how resilient mother nature can be.

So far he hasn't had any problem shooting on target, I don't know how he would do if he actually had to hunt down a bug cuz I de-leg all his crickets and put um in a little Tupperware so I can make sure he eats at least 10 crix a day. No matter where he shoots in the cup he usually gets 3-4 at a time. Ill probably just continue to do this for him because of his handicap, he deserves some special treatment I think:)

Ill snap so pics in the morning when he's waking up to show how great his little face looks now. You can barely see some of the bumps that used to be on his back too.

I'm thinking about giving him a new name, I figure now that he has a whole new life maybe he should have a new name to reflect it, anybody got any suggestions?
glad to hear he is doing so much better ...hope that he gets back to as normal as possible. sorry about the eye but we know you will spoil him and help him with his food. (chase them little crickets to the side that he can see on ... lol):D
I am happy to hear all the good news. You could think about Terminator for a name. He sure has had to kill everything to survive.
I like that one ..but Rocky. He even sort of looked as beat up as he did in the ring during that last fight in the first movie. ;)
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