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I have written them off after cutting them open multiple times and seeing the big pockets of actually fat compared to their size. I've cut apart plenty of hoppers and older mice as well. You can see the difference in lean meat, fat and bone between the different ages. Pinkies are also mostly cartilage instead of calcified bone. Carnivorous reptiles babies become calcium deficient (MBD) if fed only pinkies. I rely on my common sense. I like the well marbled fatty rib-eye steak the best but I know a lean trimmed New York steak would be better for me. If you want to give your cham a pinkie once and a while, go ahead. I like to spend my money on food and treats that contribute towards breeding condition. If pinkie mice were shown to work towards that goal, we would all be feeding them to our chams. I'd rather spend the money on a nice big roach. Baby birds have more calcium than a pinkie does. You can find baby birds in trees, but not too many pinkies. I trust my own experience on this subject.
I have written them off after cutting them open multiple times and seeing the big pockets of actually fat compared to their size. I've cut apart plenty of hoppers and older mice as well. You can see the difference in lean meat, fat and bone between the different ages. Pinkies are also mostly cartilage instead of calcified bone. Carnivorous reptiles babies become calcium deficient (MBD) if fed only pinkies. I rely on my common sense. I like the well marbled fatty rib-eye steak the best but I know a lean trimmed New York steak would be better for me. If you want to give your cham a pinkie once and a while, go ahead. I like to spend my money on food and treats that contribute towards breeding condition. If pinkie mice were shown to work towards that goal, we would all be feeding them to our chams. I'd rather spend the money on a nice big roach. Baby birds have more calcium than a pinkie does. You can find baby birds in trees, but not too many pinkies. I trust my own experience on this subject.