Plants and Decor 🪴🪴🪴


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So might’ve gotten carried away on the live plants, got a tonne of them obviously all safe for her including a Nepenthes which I’m going to hang at the top of the enclosure. What decor / vines do you have in your enclosures ? Want to add more in and give her some more privacy, going to put in a lay bin which could be around 10-12” deep right ? Can I put substrate in there or does it have to be ‘play’ sand?

Anyone wants to post their photos on this thread or any links of where they get their decor (preferably UK unless any other worldwide sites ship easily to UK) that would be amazing 🌸
Can use sticks from out side is your best bet. Just don't use any evergreen sticks like pine so don't use trees that have sap
I know that some females like to lay next to root structures so maybe have some plants in your laying bin might help. And I'm with ya on the plants, I would buy them and think that I have room and turns out I dont haha. I just finished this 2 days ago, but i usually use these fact vines, they provide some texture for the chameleon during shed, and I haven't ran into any problem with them for about 4+ years.
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