Please Help! Adopted Sick Baby Veiled w/ Closed Eyes

Naw it's not necessary, just usually preferred. Right now it won't matter because you won't be adding alot and the extra sugars honestly might help him. I messaged Jann directly so hopefully when she comes on she will be able to help. Otherwise I will contact some others in a few hours.

Ok, so I definitely recommend getting a couple harder shelled insects when you next can since you might be doing this even after the vet. Anything from the superworms, to crickets would be great and then we just gutload them. He's a veiled so I also recommend adding some veggies if you can... like sqaush or something? In very very small amounts. Now, put about 6 wax worms in the blender. But 1/4 of a cup of warm water, put about 1/8 of a cup of the pedialyte and put about a few smaller cubes of whatever healthier veggies you got, nothing more than a couple quarter sizes of it. Blend it really smooth.

I will be linking to a thread in a couple minutes that will hopefully help to show how to feed him without any issues. His traches opening is under his tongue, so avoid that. Don't feed more than .4 at once and I honestly would do around 3-4 feedings of .4 through out the day.... spread through out no less than 45 minute restings in between. Do you have any powdered supplements?

As far as what he was doing in the shower, he was cleanign his eyes that's a great sign.

Read this entire thread. This was one of my chams who I was medicating on a regular basis.

Glad it was a good sign because it kind of gave me the hee-bee gee-bee's while he was doing it, but I'm weird like that Lol

Okay I'm running to the store now to get some meal/super worms and crickets. Got the wax worms earlier because there's only 1 Reptile Store that has them and they're 30 mins away. I'll start gut loading them and have tons of veggies because I have Redfoot Tortoises who eat everything haha. I also have a ton of syringes from 0.5 mg - 5.0 mg at my house at all times (perks of working in healthcare). Will make him the smoothie and report back later tonight.

Can't begin to thank you enough for taking the time to share all this knowledge with me. It's very much appreciated and if this little guy keeps improving and pulls through it'll be all because of your help and the help of this awesome forum!
If you read this in time try getting a reptivite supplement that is powdered that has vitamin D3 added to it. And a plain calcium if you don't already have it. You will not need another d3 supplement if you have the reptivite and reptivite has vitamin A in large amounts preformed which is what he needs. I usually do a human liquid gel cap for guys who have issues, but your guy is so young I'd be hesitant right now. I would personally wait until the vet visit.
I know I have calcium supplements for my Tortoises just gotta double check if I have both Ca w/ D3 and without. I know I'm getting low on one. Or would those not be appropriate for the Chameleon? Eitherway I can run out tonight if need be.

Sorry if I'm misreading but I just want to make I should go out and get a calcium supplement w/ vitamin D3 in it tonight or should I wait?
its not necessary right away, just add calcium tonight, you can always go out tomorrow
I just really wanted to say that although you took this cham on without knowing the inn's and outs of cham care you are doing a GREAT job!! I can tell by your posts that you are totally committed to this little cham and are doing everything in your power to take wonderful care of him!! Anyone willing to run out right then and there to get whatever their cham needs is not only a great pet owner but a good person!! Keep on doing your best, and know we are all here for you in whatever way we can be!!
Alright, here goes nothing...Rest In Peace my NutriBullet! Lol

@Andee didnt have squash but did have zuchinni...figured it was a close 2nd? Sorry to make you keep repeating yourself, kind of information overload for me haha, but am I also suppposed to be adding the Calcium w/D3 to this? This is what I had on hand And I had to order the other brand you suggested.

Also I'm an idiot (running on less than 4 hrs of sleep:confused:) and got Mealworms instead of Superworms *face palm* Tomorrow I'll be getting critters and the other necessities to start gut loading!

So there's everything! A little nervous to feed Pickle via the syringe, but after seeing the videos I'm pretty confident I can do it.

*also pictured in the background a few live plants I got for Pickle's enclosure; 2 Pothos and a Parlour Palm. Gonna soak em' down tonight and re-pot them with Organic soil in the next few days.


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Forgot to post today's Pickle Pic. Here He (or She?) is with his bath buddy, aka one of my orchids. Seems to continue to make slight improvements daily. Hoping to see a Herp Vet tomorrow!


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Thank you so much for your kind words @Katacara! I've wanted a Chameleon for a long time but didn't feel I had the time to dedicate to owning one.
After seeing this little guy a few days ago though, I couldn't just leave him there in those conditions :(Figured I could at least give him a better chance since I knew the basics of what he needed. Just hoping I'm able to help/save him and I'm willing to do or try anything that I can! If bills weren't a thing, I'd have taken him to a Specialst ASAP.
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Ahh I read about that the other day while I was googling everything I could about Veiled Chameleons. But was preoccupied with the other gabillion Chameleon information things ha!

Looks like tiny little tarsal to me!? Would you agree @kinyonga ?


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Quick question regarding the temperature
for this little guys enclosure now that it's had a few days to get acclimated. And since he's pretty sick I wasn't sure if the same temperature rules apply.

It's been consistently 83.5F - 84.5F from 7:30 AM after his lights go on until around 6 PM...then it starts dropping to 81.5F - 82F.

Night time has been 73F - 75F

Anything need to be changed? Should I be keeping him warmer during the night? Or even the day as well?
Temps sound fine. And sorry I didn't answer so long, was out and about for a bit and didn't expect to take so long otherwise I would have posted a warning. Calcium with D3 is what you want to add to the mix for sure. For the amount you are mixing up and for Pickles' size I would do about an 1/8 of a cup. Don't keep extra in the fridge, you will be able to reduce the amount you make once you feel more comfortable with how you make it etc. For now this is just simple instructions for general recipe. I usually adjust depending on your cham. Zucchini is totally fine btw! Did you feed him it? Idk what time it is where you are and whether you have to wait for AM? Just want to know whether it went ok and what we may have to adjust <3..
No problem at all! Appreciate you checking in!
Glad the temps are good, wasn't sure in his condition.

Meant to report back about the feeding status, but got stuck cuddling on the couch with my pupper. He's a little offended some little green guy is getting all the attention and not him! :ROFLMAO:

Figured AM would be better because he gets super lazy and sleepy at night (don't we all??) and Im hoping he'll drink tomorrow AM and I can take that opportunity to feed him when I know he'll be more active. After reading that thread you attached, seems like it's pretty similar to giving puppies their want to make sure they swallow it and don't lick it at all so you aim more towards the back of the mouth, basically giving them no other choice but to swallow it. Hoping my assumption is correct? Either way, I won't be trying to feed him til later tomorrow AM.

Also, I'm on that Eastern Standard Time:cool: Lol
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