Please Help! Adopted Sick Baby Veiled w/ Closed Eyes

Yeah chameleons are meant to pretty much crash at night and pass out, not move etc. Ryker may be blind but he is also perfectly aware of when lights will be going out and starts looking for a sleeping spot.
Okay so I'm having some difficulty getting him to open his mouth. Tried stimulating him to drink first to make it easier on myself. But he hasn't drank this AM or just now this afternoon [EDIT: that I've witnessed myself] I tried seeing if I could open his mouth very carefully and was unsuccessful, but also very intimidated and didn't want to hurt him. Any tips/tricks @Andee ? Or anyone else who maybe has tried this as well?

Will try again when I bath him tonight to see if he drinks so then I can strike while the irons hot *so to speak* Lol

Also, a small update. I noticed some of his stool this AM, it was of appropriate color and solid, and white with a tinge of light yellow unrates.
As far as how I get them to open I often put my forefinger and thumb of the sides of the head, sometimes it will irritate them. Then I will run the tip of the syringe across the opening of his lips and if I can his gums. Some bruising may happen so I often switch sides regularly but right now in my opinion getting some food in him and electrolytes is more important than some light bruising. It's good that he pooped.
Okay, so I got him to take almost 0.4 mL of the worm smoothie. Not going to lie it was pretty difficult Lol took me almost 30 mins total... from me trying to open his mouth to taking him in to take a bath to get him to drink/open his mouth...then he was crazy in the shower trying to move a million miles an hour...quite the ordeal Lol but I did it! Definitely going to get the help of my girlfriend tomorrow for a second pair of hands!
Here's a pic of him after his bath/meal! He looks so proud of himself Lol


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Did he show any signs of gasping or like regugitating at all? Did the .4 go down easy otherwise in one go? no issues other than trying to keep him still and calm?
It's really good he's got something in his system now, going slow is actually probably a good thing, we don't want to shock his system... Tomorrow I actually suggest only doing .8 in two different feedings. Just slowly increase him and see how he does. Stay at .8 for like 3 days and as you report back and see changes etc we can adjust as needed <3 He looks like he feels better honestly, full tummy always helps.
No signs of either. I got too scared trying to pry his mouth open haha that's why I took him in the bath and made him drink. Then I took that opportunity to shove the syringe in his mouth Lol I made sure to avoid the area under the tongue.
I'll be getting a few various pediatric syringes from the hospital tomorrow, they'll have tiny plastic catheters at the end which should make it easier for me

EDIT : It went in 4 goes actually. About 0.1 mL each time
I hope he gets better! I've seriously read almost this whole forum. You seem to be doing awesome that cham is lucky to have such a caring owner! Best of luck from my buddy Greedo and I
Glad it looks that way! His color got really light and stayed that way for a little while even when I was trying to push a syringe in his little mouth Lol

Will update tomorrow evening! :D
Hey positive energy is always needed on threads <3 it helps us as keepers during these hard times to keep our heads up and keep on plugging. Also if there is some sort of cosmic energy that runs off energy hopefully all the good thoughts will help a bit ^^ We are all rooting for Pickles, he is fighting hard and he at least deserves a chance for that alone.
I want to say that you're doing such a great job caring for Pickle in his time of need. I think you're doing so much more than what a newbie cham owner would have done. I've been lurking on this thread from day one. I was scared for poor little Pickle, but he seems to be doing so much better! And it's all thanks to you - his amazing new and caring owner. Good luck with the little bugger!
Hello, you and I have a lot in common! I just bought a male veiled chameleon --- and I named him pickle! I just got back from a trip, so I am only half here. Both my pickle and I are pulling for you!
Omg Laurie you have two babies now?

Well I guess if we start counting I may have a couple more than just 2. The bad part is I got then while going to a reptile show, on my visit to Cheryl Garcia (little leaf). But it is way hot here in Montana, 100+ so my new kids can't be shipped to me yet.
I also have a pair of uromastyx. I seen to be getting more reptiles - I just don't know how it is happening.
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