Please can someone offer me advice on my sick chameleon.
Feldman is a 4 year old Yemen Chameleon who I have had since he was a tiny baby cham, I have never had any issues with him until now. He is kept in a large arboreal viv with plenty of vines and branches for him to climb. The temperature sits between 32-35C at the hot end , dropping a few degrees at the other, with things cooling the further toward the bottom of the viv. I spray the viv and try to keep the humidity between 30-60% but whilst at work this will no doubt drop to around 20-30%. I use arcadia D3 UV lamps. He
He has always been a miserable git and only really lets me handle him. He has never ever been a big eater and drinks from the squirty bottle nozzle.
The problem
About 6 months ago Feldman had a fall and scratched his skin which bled a little but healed fine, a little time later I noticed a lump on his leg/knee but this didn’t seem to hinder him and I thought no more of it. I also noticed about 3 weeks ago his eating slowed a little (normally has Locusts, Morio, Veg, Waxworms). I didn’t really think much about this and thought may be it was just one of those things, he was eating though.
Early last week I got up to find him hanging by one leg in the tank, I put him right and he clambered away like he does, however the next day he did the same. He then seemed to loose his ability to hold on at all and fell a couple of times which worried me. He also looked a little skinny and his eyes slight sunken. This got worse, I changed the viv to limit the places he could fall from and give him a stable platform rather than a Branch but still he was unbalanced, His back leg also clamped his front on a few occasions and after research came to the conclusion that he must have MBD ( metabolic Bone Disease). I don’t know why, i dusted food and always changed the lights when required but at this stage debating why isn’t going to change things. Since this time i have been using a pipette and dropping water into his mouth sometimes mixed with a little reptile calcium to try and keep him hydrated, i have tried force feeding him food but this is really unproductive. He has just got worse.
I had to go away at the weekend and a friend was looking after him (popping in) he called me Sunday to say he was dead at the bottom of the viv. I was gutted and when i got home Monday afternoon i was prepared to bury him. I reached in and he moved. The poor guy was there for 24hours.
Trying to find a reptile vet is a story in its own right with one vet refusing to see him as we had another pet with another vet. I have taken him tonight to see someone, but am somewhat troubled by the suggestion and would really appreciate advice. The vet has no real experience with Chameleons, he has treated Beardies but not chams. Believing he has MBD i was not surprised by the course of action taken that of an injecton of Sodium chloride laced with Calcium.
However the Vet suggested that he take him in and put him under anestetic to put a tube down to feed him as he is not eating and lost some weight. He also said he could not be sure if he would make it through that. Now please don’t get me wrong I am not loaded with money and happy to spend £120 on this if i thought this would help, but cant help feeling that maybe this is vets being vets, after all they are in the business of making money and already after paying £50 out shelling out another £120 for a treatment that may not do anything and result in his death seems strange.
Could anyone give me any advice if they have been in this situation, I want him better and if this will help great full steam ahead, but i have never read this about any other cham suffering from MBD.
Can anyone offer advice on what to do, he is suffering and i want him to get better, but by the same Tolkien do not want prolong things if they are not and get £100’s of pounds of vets bills in vain.
Feldman is a 4 year old Yemen Chameleon who I have had since he was a tiny baby cham, I have never had any issues with him until now. He is kept in a large arboreal viv with plenty of vines and branches for him to climb. The temperature sits between 32-35C at the hot end , dropping a few degrees at the other, with things cooling the further toward the bottom of the viv. I spray the viv and try to keep the humidity between 30-60% but whilst at work this will no doubt drop to around 20-30%. I use arcadia D3 UV lamps. He
He has always been a miserable git and only really lets me handle him. He has never ever been a big eater and drinks from the squirty bottle nozzle.
The problem
About 6 months ago Feldman had a fall and scratched his skin which bled a little but healed fine, a little time later I noticed a lump on his leg/knee but this didn’t seem to hinder him and I thought no more of it. I also noticed about 3 weeks ago his eating slowed a little (normally has Locusts, Morio, Veg, Waxworms). I didn’t really think much about this and thought may be it was just one of those things, he was eating though.
Early last week I got up to find him hanging by one leg in the tank, I put him right and he clambered away like he does, however the next day he did the same. He then seemed to loose his ability to hold on at all and fell a couple of times which worried me. He also looked a little skinny and his eyes slight sunken. This got worse, I changed the viv to limit the places he could fall from and give him a stable platform rather than a Branch but still he was unbalanced, His back leg also clamped his front on a few occasions and after research came to the conclusion that he must have MBD ( metabolic Bone Disease). I don’t know why, i dusted food and always changed the lights when required but at this stage debating why isn’t going to change things. Since this time i have been using a pipette and dropping water into his mouth sometimes mixed with a little reptile calcium to try and keep him hydrated, i have tried force feeding him food but this is really unproductive. He has just got worse.
I had to go away at the weekend and a friend was looking after him (popping in) he called me Sunday to say he was dead at the bottom of the viv. I was gutted and when i got home Monday afternoon i was prepared to bury him. I reached in and he moved. The poor guy was there for 24hours.
Trying to find a reptile vet is a story in its own right with one vet refusing to see him as we had another pet with another vet. I have taken him tonight to see someone, but am somewhat troubled by the suggestion and would really appreciate advice. The vet has no real experience with Chameleons, he has treated Beardies but not chams. Believing he has MBD i was not surprised by the course of action taken that of an injecton of Sodium chloride laced with Calcium.
However the Vet suggested that he take him in and put him under anestetic to put a tube down to feed him as he is not eating and lost some weight. He also said he could not be sure if he would make it through that. Now please don’t get me wrong I am not loaded with money and happy to spend £120 on this if i thought this would help, but cant help feeling that maybe this is vets being vets, after all they are in the business of making money and already after paying £50 out shelling out another £120 for a treatment that may not do anything and result in his death seems strange.
Could anyone give me any advice if they have been in this situation, I want him better and if this will help great full steam ahead, but i have never read this about any other cham suffering from MBD.
Can anyone offer advice on what to do, he is suffering and i want him to get better, but by the same Tolkien do not want prolong things if they are not and get £100’s of pounds of vets bills in vain.