Please help! Very urgent!

If you are located in Hawaii, Jacksons can actually survive in the wild there. Take her to one of your mountainous areas, walk her a little ways into the tree line, put her on a tree and simple let her go.
Please tell us where you are located. Maybe someone in your area can rescue Mini or maybe there is a rescue close by. Mini needs to either be outside 24/7 for the UV rays, needs feeders and plants to hide in along with a 2X2X4 cage.

Please do that quickly so you can get some response to your cry for help.
The OP is on the island of Oahu. The link I just posted is to an exotic animal rescue and rehabilitation charity. It does state that possession of a Jackson on Hawaii is illegal, but they have an animal amnesty drop-off and will give advice on suitable rehoming facilities too.
Suggestion: go to the "community" link at the top of the board (in the blue bar under where it says "Welcome"....), click "community" select "members list" from the drop down menu. Click "Search Members" (right side). Click "Advanced Search". Type "Hawaii" in the LOCATION field. Scroll down to the bottom of the search screen to: OPTIONS. Go to "order results by" pick "Last Visit". Pick Order: DESCENDING. That will give you a list of the members who say they are in Hawaii and have been posting recently.

You could try sending them messages to see if any is able to take Miki.

You might want to run the same search using HI as the location. Also, each of the Island names.

If not, Trillian has provided you with an excellent resource.

Good luck! You're doing the right thing for Miki.
If they are wild in Hawaii(I think it is a female Jackson's too) why not let her go like the other member said? She was probably taken from the wild to begin with.
They are non-native, but have established colonies and seem to thrive. Much as it isn't likely to cause huge problems, it's irresponsible and will contribute to problems with the delicate local ecology.
Looks like a female Jackson. If you dont know anybody that would be willing to give her the prober care, how about setting her free? There are jaksons on Hawaii anyway, and she is probaply wildcaught in Hawaii anyway.

Slang1 is right, it does look like a female Jackson. And you should let her go, she is probly wildcaught ( I would not be surprised).

Wish you luck! :)
Oh Jan! Sorry! Wasn't about not many people commenting, just people advising releasing a non-native species as though it was no big deal!
What island are you on? There are plenty of chameleon vets all over the island of Oahu. I raised jackson's there with no issues. When we moved, we gave some away but we couldn't give away our last female, so we went to the humane society off of South King, near Manoa, and there was a manager there who reaises all types of herps that they find and then has them sent to respectable people out of state. I wish i could remember his name. but he had a website and everything about rehoming illegal reptiles in Hawaii and seemed pretty legit.

I also sent a few text messages out, on your behalf, to some of ym friends in hawaii to see if they'd be interested. mind you, most are transitory military or college kids, so they might not be able to help out much, but I am still waiting on replies.
The OP is on the island of Oahu. The link I just posted is to an exotic animal rescue and rehabilitation charity. It does state that possession of a Jackson on Hawaii is illegal, but they have an animal amnesty drop-off and will give advice on suitable rehoming facilities too.

If that's the case, someone better start informing the state of all the pet stores that are selling jackson's!
I totally agree with you guys about the importance of not illegally setting a non native animal loose, it's situations like this that leads to laws restricting the rest of us from having legal access to possess non native species! :( There are always rescue options! OP: I think it's great that you care enough to do what's best for this little one, I wish you the best of luck finding it a new home :)
I totally agree with you guys about the importance of not illegally setting a non native animal loose, it's situations like this that leads to laws restricting the rest of us from having legal access to possess non native species! :( There are always rescue options! OP: I think it's great that you care enough to do what's best for this little one, I wish you the best of luck finding it a new home :)

The thing with Hawaii is that Jackson's may not be a native animal, but they are, quite literally, EVERYWHERE. I used to do five mile hikes regularly and would spot an easy fifty or so on my hikes. Most people don't notice them or think they are geckos and ignore them, but being a cham lover, I would spot them rather easy. I also used to do photo shoots in the jungle and would climb the trees for the shoots - and chams would have to be photoshopped out. Given, I generally went to area that were a bit more cham heavy than most, since I liked seeing them in the wild.

Now, I'm not saying she should release the cham into the wild, but I don't think everyone realizes how many chameleons are already IN the wild out there!We don't need any more!
Honestly I think what I need is a good suggestion for where to put Miki. Miki will die (I know) if she/he stays in our care. I have no idea where though. I don't think the rest of my family is as attached. I don't need to keep her I just want to have her live and be healthy. I know that I am not in a situation where I can commit to a pet. I know the rest of the family isn't either. What do I do. If I release her in the wild she will probably die right? I feel so bad right now. I know it's not my fault. Not even my pet. We actually saved her from being frozen to death. She was confiscated from an airplane flight which someone snuck her onto to take back to the mainland.

I would never let an animal free but it sounds that she has a better chance in the wild then being with your family! Poor thing, thank god you care so much! Like everyone else said, donate her to someone that will care for her. She is absolutely beautiful.
oh forgive my ingnorance, but if it most likely came from the wild to begin with what is the difference? it would probably be much happier being free.
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