Depending on your location..
Check these forums for good trusted breeders, I am led to understand that without exception the breeders here know there animal, and are happy to offer advice when starting out.
Then you have an entire wealth of knowledge and experience available to you here on the forum's.
No chameleon is easy to keep, however starting out again I might recommend a veiled or panther.
Ultimately it is your choice, but you should really take as much time as you can reading through the resources here, and remember Google can be a great source of information also.. oh and Wikipedia, but mostly the information you need will be here of you look for it, and you can ask questions.
Check these forums for good trusted breeders, I am led to understand that without exception the breeders here know there animal, and are happy to offer advice when starting out.
Then you have an entire wealth of knowledge and experience available to you here on the forum's.
No chameleon is easy to keep, however starting out again I might recommend a veiled or panther.
Ultimately it is your choice, but you should really take as much time as you can reading through the resources here, and remember Google can be a great source of information also.. oh and Wikipedia, but mostly the information you need will be here of you look for it, and you can ask questions.