Potted Vine???


New Member
does anyone know of a type of plantable vine? i have pothos but im looking for something to plant at the bottom of the cage that is long enough to stretch to the top of the enclosure and around a little bit. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks
does anyone know of a type of plantable vine? i have pothos but im looking for something to plant at the bottom of the cage that is long enough to stretch to the top of the enclosure and around a little bit. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks

Give the Pothos time..with a grow light. I have two hanging Pothos and mine have grown all over the place. I even have one with vines that is traveling along 6ft along the the ceiling now... :):):):)
Give the Pothos time..with a grow light. I have two hanging Pothos and mine have grown all over the place. I even have one with vines that is traveling along 6ft along the the ceiling now... :):):):)

Agreed I have 3 house pothos that are HUGE! One is almost 10ft in length te vine par :) and then I have one for Delilah! :)
maybe if i go to a few nurserys, i might find long enough pothos........
its usually easy to find them around 2 feet lomg or so but habeny seen them sold much longer......here we go again, another search for the chams. lol
I have a pothos that stretches from the bottom to top of a 6ft tall enclosure. Give it time and it will grow huge. Trumpet vine is another good one, and when the vines mature they get really strong.
Ya, my pothos grew in 6 months from a few short cuttings to over 4 feet long and now I have to keep trimming it back. Light, water, Nitrogen = growth
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