Receptive Colors???


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yeah I'm just showing you the LIGHT...White-ish coloration..Not saying thats what mine looks like...I'll look for more pics though..

i dunno about that one lol. That nosy be dosnt really look anything like a Ambilobe/Tamatave mix. jmo
bridgofaith: Thanks for the comparison, I had a female that looked like yours, she was easy to tell when she's receptive, but this one I have tuff with her different coloration..I'm assuming her Light Blue Color would be her receptive state..then the Dark is her pissy & gravid state..she's never been bred yet though..i'm sure she would get alot darker when she's gravid.

This is my receptive female Ambilobe for comparison.

well another opinion of mine would be since its a female the lightest color she turns might mean shes receptive. Since the pink panthers go really pink when they are receptive
Matt: Yeah thats what I'm guessing to! :) Thanks everyone for your opinions & help! :)

well another opinion of mine would be since its a female the lightest color she turns might mean shes receptive. Since the pink panthers go really pink when they are receptive
Nice pic of the receptive ambilobe. I think the females are really cool looking. The males get all of the interest from most people but my two females are very pretty AND have great personalities. The perfect women. Lol:)
Nice pic of the receptive ambilobe. I think the females are really cool looking. The males get all of the interest from most people but my two females are very pretty AND have great personalities. The perfect women. Lol:)

wish my girl veiled was like that, shes hates everything, hisses at me and tries to bike me when i handle her and shes only 4 months old!
My girl is not nice either but she just has a cool personality. She actually runs to the front of the cage when I open it and gives me the puppy dog look like shes actually begging for her superworm. She won't however let me come even close to handling her without snapping but thats ok. I don't really have a need to handle any of my chams.
My girl is not nice either but she just has a cool personality. She actually runs to the front of the cage when I open it and gives me the puppy dog look like shes actually begging for her superworm. She won't however let me come even close to handling her without snapping but thats ok. I don't really have a need to handle any of my chams.

haha i wish my girl would com to me! she dosnt want ANYTHING to do with me, i cant even look at her outside her cage without her slowly backing away (while giving me a death stare), and if i stand there long enough she goes and hides :(
I agree with Trace, I think you have a male. His hemipenal bulge may not be as large as other males but his tail seems fuller than a females, his colors seem more developed and different than even the brightest of females, and his rostrum seems more developed than females with large rostrals. I vote male.

I am going to third that she is actualy a male. The tail looks thick enough to be a male. But isnt a male what you wanted? A cross female wont be of the most desirables, I would say. . .
The other characterisitics that Trace pointed out also point to be a male.

He is just a very late bloomer.

Bridgofaith how old is that female and how much does she weigh? She looks a bit skinny around the legs wouldnt you say? And her ribs sorta show, though that may be because of the way she is standing.
Bridgofaith how old is that female and how much does she weigh? She looks a bit skinny around the legs wouldnt you say? And her ribs sorta show, though that may be because of the way she is standing.

Yes, she was quite thin, she nearly died after several months of treating for pneumonia. Rest assured, she is well cared for. :) I used the pic soley for the purpose of showing receptive coloration.
Okay..for those of you who think this Cham is a Male...Is there a way to tell for SURE??? is there anyway for me to see its hemi?? or no?? Any tips would be confirm ITS gender..since its never layed eggs, nor does it have BRIGHT colors of a Male..Let me know..
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