Receptive Colors???

she could be older?? shes ever laid a clutch yet..her prev owner said she was about 5-ish months when i got her..and i've had her about that to..

I now believe that is a very thick female, as in slightly over weight. No offense intended, she looks very healthy. I keep my females and males lean, I tend to avoid spoiling them.

She looks older than you say she is too, she is a doll though, I love her! I'm sticking to female.
To Be....Or Not To Be...

Check These Out.......... :) okay since I last stated the male showed intrest in her a couple weeks back but she was not receptive..and today I looked at her..and she was all Pretty In Pink! :) Simply Beautiful if you ask me...The pics dont do her any justice...but she looks stunning...She keeps teasing my Male..hehe..and he's keeping his eyes on her..but has not attempted anything yet so far..I'll give you an update as soon I get one!


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Wow, those colors scream female but the structure of the skull, particularly the rostral, in those photos are sooo male. You've definitely got an odd one there.

She is over weight.

Look at the back of her fat pads. Not only are her pads really big, but the back of her neck is fat.

Cut down on her feeding.

How much does she eat?

Edit: There are tons of older male panthers and female panthers out there on the web that show the true meaning of being spoiled.

Even a few reputable breeders have their studs showing off their flaming colors, with their chubby bodies lol. It's very cute, but I try to keep my chameleons lean. It's better for them in the long run. Your female is beautiful, just a little chubby. :)
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