Avid Member
I'm happy with either Male or Female...Not a big concern for me, but would ultimatley like to know what IT is..so when I get another I can get the opposite sex..The person we got her/it from said it was a female?? my husband and I thought it was a Male at first to..but we didnt see the pronounced hemi....soo0o yeah..
I am going to third that she is actualy a male. The tail looks thick enough to be a male. But isnt a male what you wanted? A cross female wont be of the most desirables, I would say. . .
The other characterisitics that Trace pointed out also point to be a male.
He is just a very late bloomer.
Bridgofaith how old is that female and how much does she weigh? She looks a bit skinny around the legs wouldnt you say? And her ribs sorta show, though that may be because of the way she is standing.