Receptive Colors???

I'm happy with either Male or Female...Not a big concern for me, but would ultimatley like to know what IT when I get another I can get the opposite sex..The person we got her/it from said it was a female?? my husband and I thought it was a Male at first to..but we didnt see the pronounced hemi....soo0o yeah..

I am going to third that she is actualy a male. The tail looks thick enough to be a male. But isnt a male what you wanted? A cross female wont be of the most desirables, I would say. . .
The other characterisitics that Trace pointed out also point to be a male.

He is just a very late bloomer.

Bridgofaith how old is that female and how much does she weigh? She looks a bit skinny around the legs wouldnt you say? And her ribs sorta show, though that may be because of the way she is standing.
If you put a gun to my head, I'd guess male. My personal breeding experience is limited to veileds, but I own panthers and have stared at hundreds of 'em. I've miss-sexed juvie veileds from photos, though, so take my thoughts with the same weight as my saying Brett Favre will play this year.
I think its male too

To know for sure, find someone else who has males and females. Show them each other, watch reactions.

That or wait for eggs.
So0o i now have a male..i put ther two together..and nothing...he didnt try to go after her what so the female?? was roaming all over the i guess time will tell and once I find out, I'll but sure to post...and see who's right :)
Post more pix, side views. Only one picture in my opinion passes as a "little" male. I think your chameleon is a female. But definitely not receptive.
OKAY..Here's More Pics


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She's dark..she was sun bathing when I pulled her out of her cage! Good Morning Sunshine! :) She's normally Light Blue..

She looks like a receptive female to me with an unusually pronounced rostral for a female. No matter what I think it is really interesting looking cham.

How old is he/she?
Thanks Ryan! She's about 8-ish month old...She's 5'' Snout to Vent..I wish I had a scale to weigh her..when we moved it some how got lost..But when I get another I'll let you know what she weighs..Im guessing about 50g though..

She looks like a receptive female to me with an unusually pronounced rostral for a female. No matter what I think it is really interesting looking cham.

How old is he/she?
The pink isn't pink enough for it to be a female

LOL the pink isn't pink enough? I just put a female together with a male last night that looked just like that. I agree that it may not be a female but the its not pink enough is not really an indication. You would have to argue it doens't have enough color to be a male if that were the case. Its hard to argue with the rostral and some of the strange coloration. Although I have females that show that much blue as well.

lame male or freak female LOL what a choice to make.
haha..I'll go for the Freak Female!! :)

So I Re-Introduced the female to the male..and "SHE" went suppper receptive.."Light Blue" No...Pink here...and my Male went straight to head bobbing and following her around the enclosure! :) So0o Freak Female it is...

Pics will be posted later....
haha..I'll go for the Freak Female!! :)

So I Re-Introduced the female to the male..and "SHE" went suppper receptive.."Light Blue" No...Pink here...and my Male went straight to head bobbing and following her around the enclosure! :) So0o Freak Female it is...

Reveptive is normally a pink coloration. I have a couple that do this grey/blue with a hint of pink.

Is there ever a lateral white stripe on the suspect ?
I may have missed it . How old is the cham.

I saw in the other thread you said...

Like I said before its only 5 inches from vent to snout...and compairing with size..the age is about 4-5 months old?? But correct me if I'm wrong..

how old is it now?
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