Repti-glo 5.0


New Member
Just pickd up a repti-glo 5.0 light yesterday for Clyde, but it is only 20watts kinda seem'd small to me. Should i look into getting a bulb with more watts?
Thats what i have been looking for, the store only had this repti-glo. do you know how many watts the repti-sun has?
Most reptile stores do not carry them and you have to order them on line. I get mine at the link I gave you above. it ok to have the Repti Sun 5.0 and the Repti Sun 2.0? I have a dual light hood and think the Repti Sun 2.0 brightens up the enclosure more, the room where bob is in does not get much sunlight. it ok to have the Repti Sun 5.0 and the Repti Sun 2.0? I have a dual light hood and think the Repti Sun 2.0 brightens up the enclosure more, the room where bob is in does not get much sunlight.

Instead of two UV bulbs, for the second to brighten it up why not use a regular linear fluorescent light bulb? You don't want to expose him to the extra UVB.
They have regular t8 fluoresecnt bulb at home depot? now will they also give off enough heat as well
The amount of UVB from a 2.0 is very minimal. Zoo Med doesn't sell the 2.0 as a 2.0 UVB lamp anymore because the output is so low. They now market the 2.0 as the 'naturesun' which is the same 2.0 lamp in a newly designed box with a new marketing strategy. Using the "2.0" with your 5.0 is actually a great idea. The "2.0" is actually a 6500K lamp, which is good for your plants and provides a more natural color temp. because it has more spectra and is resembles sunlight more than your heat lamp and UVB lamps combined.

UVB lamps don't generate enough heat to substitute as a 'heat lamp'. If you have a montain species, you might be able to get away with it. So I would be sure to have a separate basking lamp.

Also, two 5.0 UVB lamps won't generate enough UVB to be harmful to your animal, especially if you aren't using an aluminum reflector, the lamps are farther than 6" from the animal and the light is coming through screen. Even two 10.0 lamps would be marginally 'harmful'.
I found a store near by with some on hand, now could i still use my repti-glo and the repti-sun togeather or would that be to much UVB?
Why not save one of the bulbs for future use and use 1 uvb and 1 6500K tube. The 6500K tubes are cheap and you can save the other big $$ tube and use it in 6 months when its time to switch em out.
6500k it ok to have the Repti Sun 5.0 and the Repti Sun 2.0? I have a dual light hood and think the Repti Sun 2.0 brightens up the enclosure more, the room where bob is in does not get much sunlight.

if you use a 6500k in the other side it will help your plants grow and brighten up you cage.
i'v been using the repti-sun 5.0 and 2.0 in all my cages and they work great. Happy chams and happy plants :D
If you have a new Repti-Glo, there is no need to run out to replace with a Repti Sun until it's at least six months old. In fact the Repti-glo may even loose it's luminosity at a slower rate than the Repti-Sun according to info on It does start out emitting less UVB, however.

The Repti-Glo 2.0 bulbs do give off some UVB, according to reading from my Solarmeter 6.2 UVB meter, although it is only about 30% that of the 5.0, making it an expensive option, especially if you are only looking for increased brightness in your enclosure. If you are looking for a bump in UVB short of going to a 10, it's a valid option.

I don't know how warm you keep your house, but I will go out on a limb and predict a linear florescent bulb will not meet your heat needs if you live in colder climes.
I use reptiglo 5.0 tube for my male veiled with no issue. Replace is every 6 months and your good to go. I use a 2.0 reptiglo tube on my crested geckos enclosure for his live plants. Works great. And a 10.0 tube for the Russian tortoise. No problem with reptiglo. Just make sure to change them every 6months.
I use reptiglo 5.0 tube for my male veiled with no issue. Replace is every 6 months and your good to go. I use a 2.0 reptiglo tube on my crested geckos enclosure for his live plants. Works great. And a 10.0 tube for the Russian tortoise. No problem with reptiglo. Just make sure to change them every 6months.

There isn't a huge issue with ReptiGlo lamps vs. ReptiSun...... It's mostly that the ReptiSun provides usable UVB longer than the ReptiGlo. You just need to keep up on the replacement frequency, or use a UVB meter and monitor UVB output.
I am using a Reptiglo 5.0 linear with a 75W basking light. The Japanese Aralia I have in there died that was close to the heat lamp. Would a 2.0 or regular florescent bulb help with that? I would love for him to have more to climb on...
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