Rescued Veild, Very Bad Shape, HELP PLEASE


Dinno, ate 6 crickets today all by him self!

I was so happy when I saw this. I have been giving him 2Ml of Repta Boost a day and today he went to town on some crickets.

His prolaps has not gone back in yet. I am still giving him warm soakings and KY on his man parts twice dailey. Vet said the swelling will go down and he will take them back in. I will give it a week and take him back to the vet. She said if they dont go back she will give him a local and snip them off. :eek:
Finally had a moment to check this thread. Its so nice to come home from a long day in the field to read about how a person as diligent and selfless as yourself has undertaken this responsibility. It really makes my day to read that he is recovering & responding well. Thank you soooo much! My Cham had a negligent owner before me & had some MBD issues as well. I'm so happy you provided him with a loving, nurturing home. Wishing you & your Chams all the best!
This was such an uplifting thread, just because I know that little Dinno is safe and loved with you. I can't be more happy that you are putting all this time and effort into saving this beautiful little cham ^^. It reminds me of something I would do XDDD I know I am among my own people here <3 Good luck to you and your little one, don't give up if he's willing to fight ^^.
Great work with this rescue! He looks like he is in bad shape, but hope he makes a big turnaround under your care. Best of luck with him! :cool:
You can also have the vet try to put them back in and put a stitch on the vent (so there is less room for them to pop backout, but enough for him to still poop.) Sometimes that is all that is needed. Other times, they just keep coming back out and eventually have to be amputated though.
Another update

Thank you all for your kind words. My wife and I love all animals we recently started our own pet sitting business.

Quick update.

After comming home today from work, I gave Dinno a soaking and noticed blood comming from his left hemipen which has not retracted yet. I followed up with the KY and a call to Dr. Torres at Pender Exotics (the vet I had taken him too) To my relief she said it was ok to see some blood from an irritated hemipen. I was told to monitor it for infection. If it looks more swollen than normal, to call her for an appointment.

****Note! <---Sharing the knowledge. Dr. said that Hemipins/prolapse will improve when Calcium levels stabalize, can take a month or so. Calcium is KEY to muscle retraction. Hemipenes are held in by muscles....

Thanks Again for the replies. I will update for better or worse. Hope some one is learning from my experiances.
hope he continues to improve.

You have my respect for taking this on and trying to save his life.

I think it likely that amputation will be necessary (actually surprised by the advice to keep waiting and risk infection)
did the vet provide a liquid calcium? (sandoz or gluconate) or talk about injections? (shots to increase blood calcium levels until they are high enough to then give a shot of calcitonin to help draw calcium back into his bones)
Kudos to you for giving this guy a shot, I am rooting for you guys and I will be following the updates :)

Good luck!
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