Right eye wont open!!


New Member
I need some help, I've had my veiled chameleon for a good while now & he's been really healthy and fat and well yeah he looks good. And just recent about 2 days ago I saw him closing his eye for short amounts of time. Now he can't open it :/ is there something I should really be concerned about?? I had a previous chameleon that had the same condition but died months later only his was a bit worse. Please anyone willing to help me I'd really appreciate it.

Bakersfield, CA.
It could be anything from some left over shed to possible dust or other obstructions. Try misting heavily on the eye that is closed. If the eye doesn't open fairly soon you will want to consult a reptile friendly vet. Any stress being cause by the eye could effect your chams health as you have seen in the past. Good luck friend
As others said try misting the closed eye. Your cham might get pissed but it's still better than him dying. Also pics would help.
My 5 month old veiled had a vitamin a deficiency and he started closing one eye or the
other. After a couple weeks he was closing his eyes for longer periods of time.
Thanks guys I really appreciate what y'all telling me. i will try to post up pics when he lets me lol. Most of the time his eye is open, just there's times when it closes for a good amount of time. i'll try to sneak a photo of him :)
Your going to want to fill out the how to ask for help form and post the info in this thread and then I am sure some of the senior members can help you out more
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