RIP Kelly Ambilobe Panther Chameleon BB


New Member
Kelly was my friend Sams chameleon, Kelly is the brother of Kaleo they were almost identical. I told Kaleo his brother died and if only he understood.
Kelly was having eye problems for a few months, Sam showered him and carefully rubbed his eye with q tip and kelly tried cleaning his eyes. It got better but then Kelly shut his eyes and wouldn't open them, Sam force fed him and he chewed and ate what they gave him. I told her she shouldve brought him in when she had the chance but she couldn't afford it. Last weekend Kellys breathing slowed to every 5 minutes and then..stopped..I wish Sam listened to me when I told her taking care of a chameleon is expensivr and you have to be thorough. With what happened to George her other chameleon I would've thought she wouldn't get another chameleon but she did..
I wish Kelly didn't die so soon..he had 4 years to live still..
Sam isn't getting another chameleon :/
Kelly will be sorely missed.
RIP Kelly the Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Blue Bar, brother of my chameleon Kaleo.
And RIP George (Sams former veiled chameleon he was only 3 months old)
Rest Peacefully sweet lizards
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