RIP my two girls


New Member
I am very sad to say that I lost both my Chams this week. :( I'm so mad and upset. I was getting worried because they werent really growing alot even though they were eating like crazy and now they are both gone. I got them in feb. for my anniversary sucks really bad. I want to get another one but I will wait until after our big trip in march so i dont have to worry about finding someone i trust to keep it. :(
So sorry that you lost them.

Did they not show any signs of being ill?
Are you going to get a necropsy done to see if you can find out what happened?
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so sorry you lost both your babies - may they happily hunt buggies together in cham heaven xx
i am sorry to hear that you lost your girls. It is possible that maybe they just weren't strong to start with. If you need any help on setting up your next one just ask, but I am sure you were doing what you needed to.
How devastating to loose two in the same week. A necropsy might be a good idea to find out what happened. I am sorry that you lost them.
We got a bad batch of crickets I dont know if they were fed something bad or got something bad on them but my chams were fine before they ate them they hunted those crickets all over the cage and then the next night started acting really strange. We have a fantasy frog as well and he got sick and started acting really strange he wouldnt eat for a few days after he ate the crickets so thats how we know its the crickets :( the people at the store we bought them from lost a few chams and geckos too. I felt so bad because they were happy little girls when I got them crickets to hunt (they had worms for a few feeding before) and then I killed them :(:mad::( thanks for your kind words. now I have to figure out what to do with all the stuff
That´s really hard... i´m really sorry for your loss.
I would make the seller of the crickets responsible and have the state controll him so this doesn´t happen again.
I don´t know if thats possible in the U.S., but here in Germany we have the so called Veterinäramt which takes care of such issues.
I would also make them pay at least for the two chams, but as much as possible so they learn their lesson.
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