Chameleon Enthusiast
The giant's are close to 2x the size, but still on the relative small side, but I would keep them as variety/treats, not as a staple feeder.
Not to argue, but curious what the logic is to feeding many small feeders>few large? I guess the chitin would be smaller, but it would seem like there's much more of it. I'm definitely open to giving surinam's a try though. Do they run around or try to burrow at the bottom of the enclosure somewhere?
Not all of us have chams that weigh more than a potato
id say smaller feeders are more universal. If you have a colony of normal green bananas, then you almost dont need half grown crickets or meal worms. The males are pretty small, and the females are still eaten by oust's.
Im still with you that a big feeder will have a better chitin to meat ratio, and odds are more gut load.