Sammy Question


New Member
I just bought a trioceros jacksonii merumontanus chameleon and his name is Sammy. He is opening his mouth occasionally, is that reason to be worried? The temp is around 80 to 85. Also I have a fogger. How often should have the fogger run? Attached is a picture of him and also the habitat.


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well in the mornings my chams yawn. its pretty cute. but from what im told when they gap they are thermoregulating. Maybe try a lower wattage bulb? and are you keeping the red bulb on at night?
Do he open his mouth only when basking? Could be just because he is overheated while under his light. If it is more often than just that could be something else like an infection but I wouldn't jump to that right away, if you don't hear him wheezing or see a lot of excess saliva.

Also, that red lights needs to fly. I assume you got some wrong information from the pet store so please read through as much as you can to ensure you have all the proper items and care for him.
Don't use any light at night. Take the red light out and just throw it away.

You said your temp is 80-85 is that ambient temperature of the cage or under the basking light? Basking should be around that temperature but the rest of the cage needs to be lower.
Welcome to the forums! Go through the care sheet linked by NHenn in detail. It will give you all the basics :)

Yes, ditch the red light. No light at all during the night. Unless it drops into the 50sF, he won't get cold. Basking spot only should be about 80-85F, and the rest of the cage should be room temp.

Lots of montane (mountainous) chameleons "gape" randomly. He could be too hot, he could be feeling threatened, or hexould be doing it "just cuz". My Jax Zanth gapes randomly for no reason, but he doesn't do under the basking light, and he will only do it for a minute or so. If your cham is hanging around with his mouth open a lot, the easiest thing to check is temperature. Raise the basking light an inch higher and see if his behavior changes. If he still sits around with his head high in the air and mouth open, look for extra stringy saliva in his mouth and listen for very quiet popping or crackling noises when he breathes. Those things are all signs of respiratory infections.

Sammy is gorgeous with those horns! Are you sure he's a Mt Meru and not a Xanth? Not a loaded question, I have not seen a Mt Meru in person, so I am curious about the differences.
If he is opening his mouth and gasping for air then it could be a respiratory infection. Does he do it while eating? Is it for an extended period of time or just briefly? Does he hold his head back while doing it?
He's a Jacksonii Xantholophus not Meru. The may be too hot. He may also be seeing his reflection in the glass and be getting agitated. I would also suggest moving him to a screen cage. People will tell you glass is fine but I would disagree. Jackson's in my experience need good ventilation and cool night time temperatures for prolonged good health.
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