Sleeping spots


New Member
Any of you have chameleons that sleep in weird places. Instead of a branch/vine/plants, my boy chooses to sleeps on the plant stand. Which is one of those white little dish shelves, this is not all the time but 9/10 times he does.

The ficus plants are bushy and I think thats why he wont sleep on them, but he has lower real branches and fake vines he can get on, which he does from time to time. He is healthy as can be as far as activity/eating/drinking/pooping goes.

Any advice on getting a tree like plant like a dwarf umbrella so he can have more room on the live branches? I will get a picture.
could be a slew of things. it may be warmer/ more humid/ just comfy. my guy just kinda sleeps where the lights go out, or prior to. though he does set himself up for night. normally up in the top vines, or on his corn tree.
Mine always sleeps on a different spot.
Sometimes in a plant, against the glass, on a branch in an open spot, on top of a plant, ...

some time ago, he was sleeping, hanging on the rail of the glass door :D
It's funny how they set up camp. About an hour before lights out Leon is all perched up just sort of waiting for the lights to turn out. He's got two favorite spots. One is really well concealed and the other is out on an open limb which he seems to be sleeping on more and more. I think it's because he's getting bigger.
I am pretty anal about my chams. I go in every night after lights out to check on everyone. Don't be like hubby and ask why, it just makes me comfortable. Anyway all but 2 sleep in the same place. My nosy be never seems to be in the same place!! He has enough plants to hide in I sometimes have trouble finding him, thank God for his bright colors.:D
My 5month old panther always seems to setup camp in the same spot everynight, i think they just find THEIR ONE spot really comfy, weather it be the heat difference, humidity, or coverage. I think its just a mixture of everything
My cham has a tiny arbutus branch that goes in a 'Y' Shape, she either lays with her head in the 'Y' and arms out, or down a bit sleeping horizontal ;)

mine slept upside down a couple times, hanging in the very top.
then she began sleeping behind a little fake ficus in the very corner. it was hilarious when she woke up bc her head would pop out of the plant.
now she sleeps on a branch with her head behind a leaf.
my cham a 5 month old vieled either sleeps in the top of the ficus plant where there are lots of leaves or at the bottom where ther is one leaf on a very small branch it scares me somtimes that it will collapse and he will fall if it does it very near the bottom and he shouldn't get hurt.
The strangest spot I have seen was my Large Panther laid on top of his suspended Pathos pot, with just his head laying on the edge of the rim!:D

Every night, even though my girl has a huge live plant (in comparison to her size, I mean) to sleep anywhere in, she sleeps on one of the few fake branches in the cage, with most of her body right behind a big leaf- the very same leaf every night! All I can see of her is her feet and tail. She won't be able to do that much longer!
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