Some chameleon pics


Chameleon Enthusiast
Lima bean started shedding!! I can't wait for him to be finished, his colors look amazing :D Don't mind the wrinkly-ness of his skin since he is shedding.



And here is my little Dr. Thompson :D




Last but not least is, Neptune. He's going to be a year old in a couple weeks so watch out for his birthday thread!!!



Here are pics of his scales, you can see the color change from 5 months to 12 months

12 months


Just wanted to add a pic of him when I first got him :)

Lima Bean looks like a string bean in that picture! lol! All your chams look great but OMG! Neputne is just stunning! That is the prettiest shade of blue. WOW!
Thanks guys! And yea, lima bean is still skinny. He hates super worms but loves crickets and silkworms. I hope he starts eating the superworms quick so he can fatten up better.
Shawn, You have a gorgeous collection! :) Glad to see that Lima Bean's doing well. Still looks a bit shinny. You need to fatten him up. :D
Thanks everyone :) Jann, I am trying hard lol He won't eat roaches or super worms. He only eats crickets and silkies. He's almost finished shedding though!
"N" in Neptune stands for -Nothing but pure awsomeness!!!:cool:
"A" in Ariel stands for- All about me!! "princess":D
"L" in Limabean stand for-Lack of body fat,:p, but still looks cool:cool:

thats all i got so far:D, again amzing chams Shawn:cool:, wish to have some chams like yours someday....
Lol! Thanks ace!! I love the Lima bean one because he is lacking a lot of body fat haha, he's getting there. Btw your cham is already amazing ;)
Lol! Thanks ace!! I love the Lima bean one because he is lacking a lot of body fat haha, he's getting there. Btw your cham is already amazing ;)

Thx man:D....i dont really care how my cham turns out, still luv the lil guy just the same:p:D...

And maybe in the future, i hope to get a nosey be baby from you;)...i'm so into nosey be's right now:D
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