sorry everybody and we're good


New Member
i took a fecal test on the geckos poop and looked up the species and im safe it is an exotic mediterranean gecko and the only parasites of the exotic species are localized in southern lousiana and the fecal test is clean so the people who freaked out over parasites you don't need to be pissed i see where you guys are coming from i i have come to see that i was selfish and i will not do it again but he is my "child" and i respect him in the greatest but all parents mess up just this one didnt end up in the vets office.

i didnt realize everyone were so against this and i understand and im uh, im uh, SORRY
How did you get a fecal and who did it?

edit: Champhibians beat me to it... lol
My uncle had a kit and he raises chams, but "he said alot of people gripin at me on here are ingnorant cause they did not know the situation yet assumed position to critisize me", but he wouldnt recomend me feed him another till he's older
I am not sure but I don't think parasites would show up on a fecal so soon after feeding..
No see thats what i mean i kept this gecko for about three days and fed it fruit flies and i tested the geckos poop besides it was an introduced species and has no local parasites thatts why there is an over abundance
I am not sure but I don't think parasites would show up on a fecal so soon after feeding..

No they woudn't... if I'm not wrong, the parasites (if any) that are in his stomach now have to mature and reproduce. It's the babies and eggs that you find in stool, I believe.
No see thats what i mean i kept this gecko for about three days and fed it fruit flies and i tested the geckos poop besides it was an introduced species and has no local parasites thatts why there is an over abundance
I'm not sure what you mean by local parasites.. Could you define that?

How long did you wait to test the fecal sample?
No they woudn't... if I'm not wrong, the parasites (if any) that are in his stomach now have to mature and reproduce. It's the babies and eggs that you find in stool, I believe.

Ok, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure.
Well I would love to know where your uncle got a fecal kit? I want one....if he is not a vet I dont think i would trust the results. He must be a vet or know one very well because i searched and searched, and there is no fecal parisite examination kits. :D
Well I would love to know where your uncle got a fecal kit? I want one....if he is not a vet I dont think i would trust the results. He must be a vet or know one very well because i searched and searched, and there is no fecal parisite examination kits. :D

For most of this kind of thing all you need is a microscope. I worked at a vet clinic some time and learned how to do fecals, and it's really just preparing a slide and checking it visually. I actually really want a microscope just for things like this lol :D such a geek.
For most of this kind of thing all you need is a microscope. I worked at a vet clinic some time and learned how to do fecals, and it's really just preparing a slide and checking it visually. I actually really want a microscope just for things like this lol :D such a geek.
oh ok cool i want one too... sounds like fun.
Things to keep in mind:

-Nobody breeds "feeder geckos" because they are too cheap and you would always loose money. Because nobody breeds these lizards they are all wild caught.

-Wild caught lizards *always* have parasites. It's just part of being a lizard. There are zero parasite free wild lizards. "feeder" lizards tend to be the ones that are going downhill after being captured, crowded, crapped on, and shipped. In other words, they are more likely to be suffering from heavy parasite loads than the ones you pay full price as pets for.

-If you want to feed vertebrate prey, it is cheaper to offer pinkies or fuzzies or hoppers (depending on size of your cham). Being warm blooded and raised in a relatively clean environment (hopefully) mice are far less likely to carry parasites that can live in your chameleon.

-Vertebrate prey are probably best offered only very occasionally as a dietary supplement. Even chams that love lizards and birds like mellers, panthers and oustellets chameleons eat mostly insects in the wild.
Fecals are actually very easy but arent always conclusive. It is good to run a bunch of tests in a period of time since there is a decent amount of human error involoved. To run a good fecal all you need is a good microscope and the dye they use to stain the fecal with to see any parasites.
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