Stupid stupid school district

chameleon guy

New Member
My school district is full of morons. There are three different high schools in our district. The accountants thought that they had a lot of money to splurge so guess what, they spent it. They bought my school new fancy bathrooms, even though the old ones were fine, they didn't bother to ask what teachers wanted what so they bought every teacher laptops that they don't want, tvs in every room. In another school in the district they got a whole new football field, thats all i know i know what they bought. So because of the low budget teachers in the district are getting layed off, mostly the teachers that haven't been working in the school that long. About twenty to thirty teachers in the whole district are out of a job.
I say we all get a massive tax break, sell the schools to private education companies (which would develop overnight) and we all figure out our own kids education. We would all save money even after paying to send our kids to a private school. There would be competition for better education, and schools that suck at it would go out of business. But that's just my thoughts.
I hear you, my school district has so many morons that won't vote for the school levy, so our three schools are poor as heck.
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