Swelling still pretty bad, should I just leave it or contact her doctor again

Very odd. I’d think that there would be something there, but I just looked once again at her x rays and (even though I’m not a Dr) I don’t see a trace of anything abnormal. As long as nothing hurts your little beauty, I guess it is what it is.
Btw, those are some looonnnggg nails! Wow! I thought my girls had daggers, but Nachito has swords! 😂 As for the eggs, even though inside subconsciously I figured I was an anxious wreck, I consciously took things as they came and trusted my girls would be ok not laying and they were/are. Stella has looked kind of gravid for maybe a year now and everything is ready and waiting for her, but no laying.
Ya, I really just wanted to share an update, even though it’s been kind of repetitive.
Nachito stays special and an interesting case 🤗👍🏻 I can’t give any relevant advice, unfortunately! As long as she doesn’t symptoms of pain, I think there isn’t much to do.
Well thanks for the support either way! I guess she’s teaching us all something… or just stressing us out

Very odd. I’d think that there would be something there, but I just looked once again at her x rays and (even though I’m not a Dr) I don’t see a trace of anything abnormal. As long as nothing hurts your little beauty, I guess it is what it is.
Btw, those are some looonnnggg nails! Wow! I thought my girls had daggers, but Nachito has swords! 😂 As for the eggs, even though inside subconsciously I figured I was an anxious wreck, I consciously took things as they came and trusted my girls would be ok not laying and they were/are. Stella has looked kind of gravid for maybe a year now and everything is ready and waiting for her, but no laying.
Honestly I really should chill and stop getting my hopes up for Nachito, she keeps fooling me 😅

Anyway!! That’s all for the update! She’s loving college life I think! I’ve recently learned that I thought Nachito was strongly food motivated, but my roommates crested gecko is terrifying when she sees silkworms, she just locks on and leaps for them, it’s crazy 😂

the other crazy food demon herself
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