Chameleons Northwest
Avid Member
Just curious, what do you do about feces? I imagine it's going to be hard to find it all when it's densely planted. I'm already having trouble finding it in my veiled enclosure. Which reminds me I need to update some pics of that too.
Most of it either falls or slides down to the bottom. Very little of it actually sticks to the leaves.
Here is a photo of their original freerange. They are now in a larger one in an adjacent room. They like a lot of horizontal movement, so it's good that I see that you plan to add more plants to your area.:

Also, just FYI, at the corner of your beautiful blue Melleri's I see some edges of dark discoloration. This is normal. There is a gland there from which some Meller's will shed a brown waxy (triangular shaped flat substance about the size of a dime) substance once a year. Our female shed her's last year, and it is building up again. When they shed it, it will hang from the corner of their mouth for days. just letting you know because when I first noticed it I freaked out (thinking it was some kind of mouth rot), but Kristina (studiocham) of Melleri Discovery told me what it was.
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