thee almighty dubia is not desired.


New Member
So frankies being a shob.. he plucked a cricket off the tongs and super worm silk worm and hornworm and I tried a dubia inbetween each.. I even put crix into a cup with dubias and he wouldn't touch either.. I realize I could only offer dubias till he tries one. I'm done for tonight hes full I'm sure, and done witg me shaking bugs in front of him lol.. my leos are going ape for them so they win there.. but I got the starter colony FOR frankie... any other ideas I've tried big small medium white ones... ?
Yea, my cham ate dubias when he was a baby for like 4 -5 months and then just stopped. I tried all kinds also - big, little, white, giant, tiny, changed gutload. He just never went back. After another 5 months, I got rid of my colony. He's a great eater otherwise! Go figure.
The best way is for your chameleon to notice movement from the dubia. Easiest way I have found is to pinch the end portion gently and turn it upside down.
The best way is for your chameleon to notice movement from the dubia. Easiest way I have found is to pinch the end portion gently and turn the roach upside down.
The best way is for your chameleon to notice movement from the dubia. Easiest way I have found is to pinch the end portion gently and turn the roach upside down.

Yes yes I did this even laid him on a leaf so the dubia could try and scramble away to no prevail..
Only my babies will eat dubia. It seems that if they grew up with crickets they rarely switch to dubia. I guess they just seem to eat what they grew up on and know is safe or something of that sort? Like if you raise a bearded dragon only on crickets and other live prey then other greens as an adult they have no idea what to do.
I would do what boca said and give him a day or so break then try the dubia.
Have the dubia roach walk down a 14 inch or so piece of thin wooden dowel rod that you are holding. You can get the roach to run down the rod by touching its back end. They will usually run down the rod on their own with no prompting. I call it the "walk the plank" method. Just make sure the rod in in striking distance of your cham so it can see the running roach. Works every time.
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