This is what I got sent...any ideas???

I was just sent this wc chameleon...has anyone seen anything like this? His eye seems to have an infection, basically glazed over, and he has a lump above his mouth below his eye. What are your ideas?


I am headed to see my vet, Dr. Wheelock, on Monday to see what he thinks.

wierd. from what i understand. a lump is usually a sign of over supplementation, vitiman/calcium build up which the cham can not process..wich im sure you know. but seeing how hes wc and the placement of the bump..i dont know..looks like he got popped in the lip durring a fist
Thats what I was going to ask! Great looking guy! I was wondering who got em! Lucky! I want him ;)
the bump might be a sign of stress. our chameleon had one on the bottom jaw. when i took him to the vet they said it might've been from stress. back from Dr. Wheelocks today and he flushed they eye and nasal cannel. Then he found out that it was an abscess so he stuck it, drained it, and gave me antibiotics. So I will keep you all posted.

He gave me Fortaz. I didn't ask him why but I think basically an abscess is a build up of white blood cells so I was thinking that the antibiotics are possibly for whatever it is causing the impulse to send white blood cells to that location, but I am not sure.

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