This is why people kill chameleons!

Actually the part about Senegals sitting on shoulders is true, every Senegal I've seen is the most docile chameleon. They rarely if ever get stressed with human contact.
"There are many neat features that this type of chameleon has. First, they are capable of changing their colors. If you have a small tree in the tank or a rock, you can see the lizard shift its color to camouflage in with the background." Wow,this guy REALLY knows his stuff...XD
I looked and didn't see a way to report that. How the hell do we get that off the internet? That was some of the worst info I've seen in a long time.
People shouldn't believe everything they read or hear . the Internet is full of this kind of stuff and even this site has terrible info given out daily.
You can never truly remove something from the internet.

There are some species that change colors to specifically match their background, so it's not entirely false when people refer to chameleons as a group. Just so you all know.

Also, to make a statement based on your experience with only a few animals is extremely misleading. This particular statement can potentially cause the death of many chameleons should someone take it to heart. Unless you have personally observed and studied hundreds of animals for extended periods of time, it's best not to base potentially deadly statements (not opinions however) on your experience. I'm referring to, "They rarely if ever get stressed with human contact."
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Poor vailed I

I saw a poor vailed at petco it was way too small to sell probably not eating crickets yet no climbing sticks a crappy plant all glass aquarium and hanging upside down under a coiled fluorescent bulb cage temp was 90*F and the asking price $98.00 wtf......
Hmm thats why I joined this forum immmedietly after my implusive husband ordered " W.C senegal" online from reptile city's website at 3 am!!! Just beacuse he wanted a cham and they were " on sale" :O He got mad when I told him that the "W.C" meant. I know the people here on the forum are awesome and have good information rather than those badly informed articles online. I once found a petcare guide for a bearded dragon online and it said to house a fully grown adult in a 30 gal, and that screened terrariums were great for beardies too! :O I am also a very enthusiastic betta fish owner and i HATE when people really try to argue with me that its true bettas are found in mud puddles or ox-prints filled with water in thailand because " thats what they read online" I ask them.. have you ever been to Thailand and seen a wild betta!!?? -_- they are brown plakats that live in rice paddies with a lot of room to swim.! OMG someone above said something about mis-information about snakes? I was reading online somewhere about how small snakes need to eat every single day!!! People should really do research on good forums for pet advice!

I think my senegal was a very sweet chameleon. My vet loved him and said he was very cute and well-behaved for a wild caught. hmmm.... thats bad that article said chameleons are good pets for children or people who travel. Smaller is better because of heating!? Erm... the bigger the better in my opinion, with tons of plants!!! I kept mine in a decent sized screen reptarium that was large enough for him to explore and climb. He loved all of his umbrella trees. My senegal loved to climb on my husband and sit on his mound of curly hair :p He was so nice and well behaved. My poor little buddy got sick and died from a bacterial infection on his claw, he fought it the best he could :( my vet told me that my set-up was fine and someone before us who handled him handled him wrong because of the timing it took for him to show symptoms. I remember when we fist got him, one of his nails was slowly turning black. I highly advise people with wild caught senegals to regularly take them into a good herp for a checkup.
a local reptile shop near me has 2 baby veiled chams for sale. they cant be older than a few weeks :(

They open at 11am and the guy that runs the place was late today and they didnt open till almost noon. I wanted to buy them just so i could give them away to someone on here. I think they had a basking light over the cage and thats it and it wasnt even on......

i got some crickets and was on my way:mad:
That seems alittle ridiculous to me? i mean i only have had my veiled for close to 7 months now :) but i did about 3 hours of research just to see how feeding and lighting and tank set up would be, then idid about 5 hours of how to care and handle them, so ya 8 hrs of research might not be alot, but it sounds like this person is has no clue how to care for the poor lizard? :(
Tisk tisk...
That website wreaks of advertising...

Alright, here's how it goes... Companies go to advertising agencies. Advertising agencies who are smart know that people believe what they read on the internet. So these guys go to freelancing websites and hire cheap labor from India and elsewhere to write random articles on whatever they want. Sometimes its on the subject, sometimes not. Just depends on the type of advertising... Then, they embed their ads in those articles (or sometimes the articles themselves ARE the advertising.). The writers are given a list of target words and a specific quota on how many times they want the target word mentioned so that spider bots pick up on it and add the page to whatever browser the bot is spidering for...

Yada yada, the rest is history...

Dont ask me how I know all of this... and yes, I do KNOW it.
Bad information is everywhere. If I took care of my jackson's the way the shop that I got him from told me to, he would have been dead in a week. For instance "you need a 75w basking bulb placed directly on top of the screen" I am running a 25w and the basking spot heats up to 80-82 , and it is not directly on the screen !
Bad information is everywhere. If I took care of my jackson's the way the shop that I got him from told me to, he would have been dead in a week. For instance "you need a 75w basking bulb placed directly on top of the screen" I am running a 25w and the basking spot heats up to 80-82 , and it is not directly on the screen !

Boy do you have a point there! I would give you rep for that but I ran out!
These Ad blurbs are awesome. They are littered all over the web, show up on most searches, and are essentially worthless.

On the web traffic is the name of the game. I should also point out the way this particular website is set up it will show up on almost every search for something chameleon related. It could increase hits if for example Brad bought 500 domains and hosted them on different servers (unrelated IPs usually does it) wrote an article and listed all major chameleon species and linked back here and possibly to select sponsors.

This would show the search engines this must be a good site because it is being linked to by so many other sites that have similar search terms and return it's results higher.

A brilliant work around that works less-well every time they revamp the search programs to account for such thins.

Tisk tisk...
That website wreaks of advertising...

Alright, here's how it goes... Companies go to advertising agencies. Advertising agencies who are smart know that people believe what they read on the internet. So these guys go to freelancing websites and hire cheap labor from India and elsewhere to write random articles on whatever they want. Sometimes its on the subject, sometimes not. Just depends on the type of advertising... Then, they embed their ads in those articles (or sometimes the articles themselves ARE the advertising.). The writers are given a list of target words and a specific quota on how many times they want the target word mentioned so that spider bots pick up on it and add the page to whatever browser the bot is spidering for...

Yada yada, the rest is history...

Dont ask me how I know all of this... and yes, I do KNOW it.
These Ad blurbs are awesome. They are littered all over the web, show up on most searches, and are essentially worthless.

On the web traffic is the name of the game. I should also point out the way this particular website is set up it will show up on almost every search for something chameleon related. It could increase hits if for example Brad bought 500 domains and hosted them on different servers (unrelated IPs usually does it) wrote an article and listed all major chameleon species and linked back here and possibly to select sponsors.

This would show the search engines this must be a good site because it is being linked to by so many other sites that have similar search terms and return it's results higher.

A brilliant work around that works less-well every time they revamp the search programs to account for such thins.

Bingo! That's google's algorithm in a peanut shell:


A young lad visited me last week and told me his friend had bought a bearded dragon." its so cute. It sits in his tank all day with his mouth wide open" i told him the temps were to high and printed off a care sheet. Poor thing!!I
Simone is always mad cause my hair is too short to get a good grip. So she usually tries my ears/glasses, or just goes straight up the lips & nose. *ouch*

Now a nice studded collar or a choke collar would be just the ticket. lol

of course a retractable leash would make finding them easy.... zzzzzzziiippp

(just kidding of course, but the visual is good for a chuckle)

LMAO!!!! OMG! I was seriously taking a drink of Pepsi when I read that and spit all over the key board I was laughing so hard! I have threatened to do that to mine lol! My veiled will slowlly do the jerky walk and when she thinks I'm not looking, she takes off! lol And for being a small critter, she can haul tail! lol
Finding chameleon

I am thinking that a flashing LED would be fantastic... glued to their veil. Never lose one again! LOL! Please kids, do NOT try this at home.
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