Thor outside


New Member
All of the chams really love this one tree I have in the back yard. I dont even really know what kind it is(can anyone help me out?), It started out as a weed:confused:.

Anyways heres Thor







My first guess would be Acacia or Mimosa for the tree, but I wouldn't swear to it in a court of law. Clearly it's a Chameleon Playground Tree.
plant type?

It looks to me like a box elder, if it is it would have sort of boxy geometrical branches with big thorns on it, they are a common weed/tree species here in NY. thats my guess:D
What a cute little verrucosus you have! How old is he??

Sorry about the tree, but this is far beyond my knowledge! ;)
Its definetly not a tamarind, acacia, or box elder, This tree has yellow brush-like flowers thin brown pods, (almost like a tamarind, but not, the leaves are thicker)

Thanks for the compliments, he's a wildcaught, but I know hes not anywhere near a year old yet.

EDIT: yes, it is a mimosa tree, thanks Hallenhe :D
Very nice cham, love the green dots on him. Are you growing ficus outdoors? How do you accomplish that??
Thor is a good looking wild caught Verrucosus and nice pictures.


Thor want tree! Thor like tree. THOR LOVE TREE!!

When Thor don't get tree he acts like crestie and jumps!

Very nice cham, love the green dots on him. Are you growing ficus outdoors? How do you accomplish that??

Thanks you, yes there's ficus growing outdoors, people use them as hedges down here, I never really give it much thought. In the summer they give fruit too, they're like little figs.
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