to operate or not???


New Member
I have posted before regards Houdini, my 5.5yr male cham, he has been to the vets so many times for problems and he has always pulled through in the end... The vet is concerned that the large swelling in his casque may be putting pressure on a nurve, his eyes are rolling, he now has a lump on his tongue and his mouth dosnt look healthy, he has a couple of yellow spots on his side... He is week though now i have raised his food for him to reach he can manage to eat it, I am going to try and get him to the vet tomorrow (spechalist Cham vet) next option my be to operate and take samples from his bumps, its a real gamble for his little life, any recomendations much apreciated!!!!:confused:

the picture of Houdini is not up to date, he's a resonably healthy young man in the photo,though may show some old war wounds and scars...
bye bye Houdini

:( Houdini was in such a bad way, he has had more lives than a cat and that is saying something!! Sadly I said my fairwells to Houdini this afternoon... His chances of survival were slim and it didnt seem fair to put him through more:(
It is amazing how sad i feel, that green little fela has a big place in my heart!!
Sorry to hear about your loss. They are so hard to lose. To me operating is def a last resort. At 5.5 I wouldnt have put him thru that stress of either. I think you made the right choice.
thankyou everyone for your kind words, we bring him home today, he will rest in a very special flower bed which is in memory of my brother paul...
May all your special little companions live long and happy lives... Faye :eek:
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