Update on Ellie the the sick Senegalese Chameleon


New Member
Well...she's still alive but not fairing too well. She got so skinny her eyes are just so sunken and her body is almost skeletal - so I decided time to force feed, she handled that very well, did not appear stressed so I will continue to do that to get her weight back a bit...has anyone else had experience force feeding and or tube feeding?? If so any advice would be welcome.

I've had experience in tube feeding chuckwallas and little lizards through work and snakes, but nothing as sensitive as a chameleon. I'm hoping it's not too late for her....I swear damn pet shops just kill these little creatures to make cash, I hate that soo much!! It wouldn't have mattered to them at all if she lived or died, but I'm hell-bent on finding a way to try and save her.

Her little spot on her hip has healed up and disappeared...she had a slight bit of fecal this evening that I'll have analyzed tomorrow, it was very minimal and almost green/yellow liquid nothing solid at all...anybody have that experience before?
I've had to forcefeed hermie many times. A 1cc syringe (no needle) worked well with baby food. Additionally popping a cricket or worm in his mouth when he hissed (or I very gently pried it open worked well also).

If her eyes are sunken in she might be dehydrated ... consider a shower. Also, if you can get a vet or someone else to show you how, you can give antibiotics subq under her skin to help keep her hydrated.

Green/yellow poop says GI infection to me. But I could be wrong.

giving sub-q

What sort of antibiotics sub-q? Would it be good to give fluids sub-q and I've done it on a variety of animals so I'm comfortable giving sub-q just wondering what the best spot on a cham would be for the injection?
I've always injected the antibiotics into one of the arms above the elbow. Baytril is a good wide spectrum antibiotic...but you should check with a vet before giving anything. You need to determine a dose size.

Force feeding and handling chameleons is generally very stressful. Its too bad she needs it.

I hate to say it but, from your description of her condition I don't think she will last too much longer if a solution isn't found soon. Maybe she's old??
Keep on keeping on...

Well today I researched the Reptile Clinician's Handbook, clinical and surgical reference book and decided on giving a small dose of metronidizole "for appetite stimulation" so a good small dose orally. I also pumped her full of fluids sub-q and her eyes seem a bit fuller today and color better. I haven't heard anything back about the newest fecal, perhaps I will at work tomorrow. I'll see how she does with this does of metro and go from there and continue force feeding. Oddly enough she seems to realize we're trying to help her and does not appear or act stressed regarding the treatments at all. She seems to appreciate a little cuddle afterwards as well.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I will definitely have pictures tomorrow and hope to have those good before and after pictures eventually - perhaps that's not too hopeful, but it's worth a shot to fight for her and try to get her back to health.
I've had a few over the years that seemed to realize that I was helping them.
Some other lizards have seemed to realize it too.

Fingers crossed...
I wouldnt give her a shower, just because if she sounds as bad as she is, she may not move around much, and might not drink. So I would just take a syringe,fill it with water and give it to her orally, give as much as you think she needs.
still plugging along

She's still hanging in there so I'm very happy about that. I gave her some fluids sub-q again, as well as some crushed grasshopper and mealworm mix I made up and put in a syringe, she seemed too enjoy that quite a bit and then gave her some oral fluids to wash it down a bit. Tomorrow I'll give more fluids and the metro. meds and keep alternating that every other day.

I really need to get a gram scale to monitor weight changes - anyone know of a good place to get one LOL can you get those at walmart? I'd hate to have to take her in to work to weigh her regularly.
you can pick up a gram scale at any office supply store (office depot, office max etc.). They're usually sold as postage scales. I bought mine for about $20.00
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