Update on my rescue Tina..

Infinite ink

New Member
So I have had Tina for about 3 weeks already.
she is doing great. she is putting on weight quite well and is cup feeding when she is not moody..i know she is a far way off from being a healthy girl but her reactions to her new environment are great and her colors seem to have relaxed and come back brighter than ever...
now the sad part..
Unfortunately my nephew who had Tina had 2 other chameleons.. one of which was a year old male that died this Sunday.
He still has a small female left, so i tried to convince him to give her up,when he wouldn't i did the next best thing..
I gave him the proper cage setup with lights and supplements.. i really hope he steps it up and takes care of the little girl. He knows how angry i was that Timmy died.. Being his uncle i did the only thing i could do..i told him that if he didn't take care of her that I would punch him in the head! :mad:

here are some pics of Tina..





Congrats on the rescue and doing what you can for the other(s)! My leopard gecko was "rescued" from my nephew Brandon, who got bored with him after the first few months and left him (the gecko) in the care of his (the nephew's) grandmother - who was dutiful, but had not really wanted a gecko of her very own and was happy enough to pass him along to me.
Tina looks like she is doing much better with you. Give the little brat a slap for me, I am not good at punches.
Shes a nice lookin veiled. Looks like she needs to gain a little weight but Ive seen much worse on here as far as rescues go. Congrats on savin one!
Be careful that infection doesn't spread to her eyes. That is what Happened to molly. I hope this little girly pulls through for you, unfortunately Molly put up a good fight but couldn't pull through in the end.
Thanx for the support guys, thanx to this forum my two chameleon are doing great. My male is very healthy thanx to the loads of info on the forum.

So i have one question about the bumps on tinas head, are they an infection?
I will try to get a clear picture of it when i get a chance..
If it is what meds should i give her?
I am pretty sure they are abscesses that they have walled off, that is what the vet said Molly's was. You should bring her to a vet and do a culture to see what antibiotic you should give her. The vet should tell you the same thing. In Molly's case she had 2 of them and it looked like she was trying to sprout horns :p aparently one of the infections made it's way to her eye. She passed away 8 months after I rescued her, even when petsmart said she would only live for a week or so more. She was pretty much blind, almost never opened her eyes and the last few months never opened them. She was on countless number of antibiotics, none of which helped her because the infection was immune to almost everything, and by the time we did find an antibiotic that would work it was too late. Attached are a few pics of my little Molly, your girl looks just like her... maybe it's not just a coincidence :eek:

PS: These were taken when she was a little chubbier than prefered, when she was skinnier she looked a lot more like your girl.


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