Uric acid and gout in Chameleons


Hey everyone who helped me with my veiled chameleon Pickles. We went to our vet yesterday for recheck on bloodwork (2 hour drive but we do what we need to do) and I am
so excited because with everyone’s help and suggestions which I followed Pickles uric acid is back to normal. Thank goodness. I dumped the Flukers roach food and used only vegetables, I rehomed my large dubias and got smaller ones and reduced how often I feed dubias and increased wax worms and hornworms. I need to order silk worms. I also added a mid day misting. Thank you all I am elated. Thank you everyone.
Suzan one happy Cham guardian
Sounds great. I might go easy on the waxworms, high in fat and get kind of addicting with animals. From my understanding, diet isn’t really the cause of gout as much as hydration/kidney function and genetics(ability to process it correctly).

Not to say your changes are wrong, just putting it out there 🙂
Sounds great. I might go easy on the waxworms, high in fat and get kind of addicting with animals. From my understanding, diet isn’t really the cause of gout as much as hydration/kidney function and genetics(ability to process it correctly).

Not to say your changes are wrong, just putting it out there 🙂
Thank you all thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated. Pickles is our first Chameleon and we are learning…. I am taking it all in
Excessive dubias cause gout. Especially the bigger dubias.
Silkworms are a great staple. Beast mode silks are a great price. And easy to upkeep.
Gout is usually caused by another factor(hydration, kidneys failing, missing enzyme, etc) which is then triggered by the diet. I highly doubt Dubias alone would cause it, but it probably is a good idea to keep roaches on a low protein diet long term. I just think we need to be careful about stating things as fact without posting sources for it.
Gout is usually caused by another factor(hydration, kidneys failing, missing enzyme, etc) which is then triggered by the diet. I highly doubt Dubias alone would cause it, but it probably is a good idea to keep roaches on a low protein diet long term. I just think we need to be careful about stating things as fact without posting sources for it.
My Chameleon had gout and when I stopped feeding him Dubai’s it went away. So facts or not Dubai’s in my case caused gout.
Maybe if one of the influencers chimes in you’ll believe it🤷🏻‍♂️
My vet also informed me about the dubias containing higher uric acids which cause the gout.
Genetics plays a part in susceptibility to certain conditions. I don’t know if gout specifically is one, but kidney issues are. Regardless though, it’s best and healthiest to feed your chameleon (and yourself) a varied diet and ensure good hydration.
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