Uromastyx - Kondo & Tae


Decided on names for these two after almost a year! They're estimated to be 4-5 years old. They're awesome pets, and I thought I would share them with you guys!


Tae (with Kondo in the background):

Tae (left) & Kondo (right):

Unfortunately the pictures aren't amazing. They're sitting under their extremely bright backing light that drains a lot of colour! I also only have ma phone camera, which doesn't help a whole lot. Kondo has orange on his head where Tae has yellow. It's really neat!

Hope you enjoy! :D
They are some awesome lizards. They are like a tortoise with no shell, lol.

Yes! Even when they eat.. it#s a bit faster than a tortoise, but reminds me of how they eat too :)

They also always look so happy, as if constantly smiling. Kondo also "waves" while basking. The way the basking stones are positioned cause his leg to hang down a bit so he, without looking, moves his leg to find a place to rest it. Totally looks like waving though, I even wave back! Then he stops, runs to the glass and licks it. Really cute animals and I love them just as much as chameleons!
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