UVB Light Strength

Fiona's Mom

Chameleon Enthusiast
I am looking at a new light fixture that includes a 50 UVB tube light. Normally I know a 5 or 10 is usually recommended but will a 50 do damage to my charm. if so I will look further.
Is it just a different brands version of the 5.0? You can look at the graph on the packaging and get a graph with the output over distance and compare that to the Arcadia and reptisun bulbs. I would go with a name brand UVB not something to skimp on.
Is it just a different brands version of the 5.0? You can look at the graph on the packaging and get a graph with the output over distance and compare that to the Arcadia and reptisun bulbs. I would go with a name brand UVB not something to skimp on.

It's a doll from Amazon...is that bad?
I haven't used the Zilla bulbs not sure how the compare with the Arcadia or Reptisun in terms of UVB output. The only way to tell exactly what your getting out of it would be a meter. Watch your chameleon though, if it's sitting in the shade all the time towards the middle or bottom then it's probably too much UVB, if they are sitting right below the UVB bulb for hours then it's not enough. Using shade from plants and if needed lens covers on lights you can provide gradients for the chameleon to picks it's favorite perching spots in the level it wants.
I haven't used the Zilla bulbs not sure how the compare with the Arcadia or Reptisun in terms of UVB output. The only way to tell exactly what your getting out of it would be a meter. Watch your chameleon though, if it's sitting in the shade all the time towards the middle or bottom then it's probably too much UVB, if they are sitting right below the UVB bulb for hours then it's not enough. Using shade from plants and if needed lens covers on lights you can provide gradients for the chameleon to picks it's favorite perching spots in the level it wants.

Thank you...I think to be on the safe side I will get something else. No point in spending money just to find out I have to replace it.
My local petco has those lights and fictures and I did a quick search and aprently it messed with the eyes of the chams, i dont know if this has been fixed but it scared me enough to return it. I just upgraded to a 2x2x4 (XL) ft coming from a medium cage and the small compact reptisun 5.0 i got with the kit in my opinion was not going to cut it, so i got a big dome and a 10.0 i know ive seen mixed reviews on 5.0 or 10.0 but with a cage that big i went with the 10
They should be same as a 10 reptisun like for dessert animals but if I was you I would get a Arcadia or reptisun I use Arcadia myself the bulbs last 9 months to a year I have a meter so I can make sure. I really don't like to guess when it comes to my little friends
They should be same as a 10 reptisun like for dessert animals but if I was you I would get a Arcadia or reptisun I use Arcadia myself the bulbs last 9 months to a year I have a meter so I can make sure. I really don't like to guess when it comes to my little friends
Thank you....I don't like taking chances either....that's why if..I am unsure, I ask the forum. I will ago with the Arcadia bulb since you say it lasts longer.(y)
:rolleyes:Silly boy...I live in Florida...we don't need tanning beds. It's a
Zilla Tropical T8 Light Fixture
Reptile Strip Light
Desert Fixture 24"
Includes Desert 50 UVB
T8 Fluorescent Bulb
I found it on Amazon.
A young hip Grandma like u might want to have a tanning bed at home,since sunray can do lots damaged to ur skin....just a suggestion.
U can always bring Fiona out door if u not worry too much about the sunray.
A young hip Grandma like u might want to have a tanning bed at home,since sunray can do lots damaged to ur skin....just a suggestion.
U can always bring Fiona out door if u not worry too much about the sunray.

Fiona loves being outdoors. I cover my hibiscus with wire and let her have some fresh air and sunshine most days. I'm just planning for her next set-up.
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