UVB Light Strength

That one is awesome...I've never found one that big. I could buy one...but that would be cheating. Heading North Sat. morning...won't be finding seashells there. Gotta go be a Grandma and spoil grandkids.
You happen to be one of the coolest "grandmas" I've ever met! Love the conch shell btw. And I hope you don't mind me buggin you for future advice with female chams! :D:love: Haha! ;)
you're a mess! I like your upbeat posts tho haha! I agree tho, not a grandma hand. It must be a Florida thing....
Positive thinking ,observing,if I fall down,I will get back up,the world is a mess but not me,love n happiness goes to a long long way,Im a love child n I always will be:)
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