New Member
You guys have determination! I couldn't not eat meat and dairy, we owe our brain's size and capacity to a high-protein diet; my mother always said that when she and her friends tried being vegetarians that they felt really slow and dull. My boyfriend says the same thing about when he tried it, that he felt he was running at half capacity. My one vegan friend is useless at arguments, he can't keep up. Our brains need a lot of animal protein to function. I imagine to really make the switch you might have to wean off really slowly? Maybe over enough time your system could really adapt to it properly.
Good luck to all of you though!
I know you didn't mean anything bad by forgive me!!
This just isn't the case!! There is NO scientific evidence that our brain's need a high protein diet. There is also NO scientific evidence that animal protein is needed in anyway. There is evidence that plant protein offers many benefits over animal protein and that all essential amino acids are readily available from plant sources. There is plenty of scientific evidence that a low protein vegetarian diet makes you at a much decreased risk of developing cancer. (My whole extended family is vegetarian and out of 50+ family members NONE have developed any form of cancer. All living in a polluted city like Phoenix. I know this is VERY anecdotal and not the scientific proof I was talking about.) There is also plenty of evidence that we need no more than 10% of our diet as protein and probably more like 5%. I have been a vegetarian for my whole life!! That's right I have NEVER had meat and I am 6'4" 190lbs and am a doctor and spent years of my life doing research in nutrition. I tend to know a lot of doctors and many of the ones I know are also Vegetarian or Vegan and have been for years.
I will say that your mind is a powerful thing, if you think you can't live without animal protein your mind can make you feel that way
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