
You guys have determination! I couldn't not eat meat and dairy, we owe our brain's size and capacity to a high-protein diet; my mother always said that when she and her friends tried being vegetarians that they felt really slow and dull. My boyfriend says the same thing about when he tried it, that he felt he was running at half capacity. My one vegan friend is useless at arguments, he can't keep up. Our brains need a lot of animal protein to function. I imagine to really make the switch you might have to wean off really slowly? Maybe over enough time your system could really adapt to it properly.

Good luck to all of you though!

I know you didn't mean anything bad by forgive me!!

This just isn't the case!! There is NO scientific evidence that our brain's need a high protein diet. There is also NO scientific evidence that animal protein is needed in anyway. There is evidence that plant protein offers many benefits over animal protein and that all essential amino acids are readily available from plant sources. There is plenty of scientific evidence that a low protein vegetarian diet makes you at a much decreased risk of developing cancer. (My whole extended family is vegetarian and out of 50+ family members NONE have developed any form of cancer. All living in a polluted city like Phoenix. I know this is VERY anecdotal and not the scientific proof I was talking about.) There is also plenty of evidence that we need no more than 10% of our diet as protein and probably more like 5%. I have been a vegetarian for my whole life!! That's right I have NEVER had meat and I am 6'4" 190lbs and am a doctor and spent years of my life doing research in nutrition. I tend to know a lot of doctors and many of the ones I know are also Vegetarian or Vegan and have been for years.
I will say that your mind is a powerful thing, if you think you can't live without animal protein your mind can make you feel that way:D
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Agreed. I have a few vegetarian friends and one vegan friend who say they feel much more healthy overall than they did before. My girlfriend is a strict vegetarian (and tries to be vegan as much as possible, but it is quite difficult, especially when her family is not very supportive of this decision), and she is very healthy, intelligent, and alert. Much more so than many of my non-vegetarian friends. It's all about eating healthy. Many vegetarians end up with a very unbalanced diet by not getting enough fruits, real veggies (ones with more nutritional value than lettuce), and protein. Plant protein is entirely sufficient for human protein needs, and there are many benefits of eating nuts over meat. The problem arises when people don't get enough of those foods, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies, etc.

Also, you have to remember that you are not comparing one vegetarian to one non-vegetarian in a vaccuum. There could certainly be some other underlying factors as to why some vegetarians don't feel or perform as well as others.
I know you didn't mean anything bad by forgive me!!

This just isn't the case!! There is NO scientific evidence that our brain's need a high protein diet. There is also NO scientific evidence that animal protein is needed in anyway. There is evidence that plant protein offers many benefits over animal protein and that all essential amino acids are readily available from plant sources. There is plenty of scientific evidence that a low protein vegetarian diet makes you at a much decreased risk of developing cancer. (My whole extended family is vegetarian and out of 50+ family members NONE have developed any form of cancer. All living in a polluted city like Phoenix. I know this is VERY anecdotal and not the scientific proof I was talking about.) There is also plenty of evidence that we need no more than 10% of our diet as protein and probably more like 5%. I have been a vegetarian for my whole life!! That's right I have NEVER had meat and I am 6'4" 190lbs and am a doctor and spent years of my life doing research in nutrition. I tend to know a lot of doctors and many of the ones I know are also Vegetarian or Vegan and have been for years.
I will say that your mind is a powerful thing, if you think you can't live without animal protein your mind can make you feel that way:D

Uh oh, I started something! Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Didn't mean it how it came out :eek:

But isn't it true that it's believed that we evolved to where we are thanks to increased hunting, which led us to eat a lot more protein, which led to tool making, and more hunting, and more protein? In every biology or evolution class I've ever been in this has been the theory, what made us get so ahead of our ape relatives that don't consume as much meat. It's supposedly why our brains are so large relative to other apes?
i'm a man i eat meat. nuff said. when i go out with me boys we make beef jerky and eat it. we go one poker boat cruises crap with the door open. its what we do were men.
I was a vegan until I ate meat. Luckily we have whole food stores up the kazoo where I live. So my son stays meat free. Know there are y chain stores now doing only whole and organic foods. If not in your area check for farmers markets I know the one my wife visits is certied organic and they sell all types of vegan prepared food and produce.
i'm a man i eat meat. nuff said. when i go out with me boys we make beef jerky and eat it. we go one poker boat cruises crap with the door open. its what we do were men.

So anyone that doesn't eat meat isn't a true "man"? I chose to do this, because I don't believe in murdering animals and then eating them afterwards. It's also a healthier choice in my opinion. There are so many certain risks that you can find when eating meat as clarkw3 has brought up. I chose to become a Vegetarian over a year ago, and now it's my choice to become a vegan. I don't want to use any bit of animal in mylife, just for my satisfaction.. It's quite selfish to kill and eat an animal. but then again. in your eyes, you have to eat meat to be a "man"...

Olimpia, thanks for your input. I have noticed that I did become a bit more worn down easier after I changed to a vegetarian, but with the correct foods and vitamins etc in your diet, than you don't really have the "slow" feelings. But that is what I experienced.
Uh oh, I started something! Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Didn't mean it how it came out :eek:

But isn't it true that it's believed that we evolved to where we are thanks to increased hunting, which led us to eat a lot more protein, which led to tool making, and more hunting, and more protein? In every biology or evolution class I've ever been in this has been the theory, what made us get so ahead of our ape relatives that don't consume as much meat. It's supposedly why our brains are so large relative to other apes?

You didn't start anything:D But I couldn't just "let it go" either:eek:

I know what you are talking about in the above quote. However, I am talking real medical research here. Stuff that has been studied and that we have definitive results from. Research that advances human life expectancy and furthers our understanding of how our wonderful bodies work. The theory you are talking about is PURE speculative extrapolation from an otherwise speculative science. Pure carnivores eat nothing but meat haven't risen to walk on two feet and still do not make tools.:D
No other society in the world eats as much meat as Americans and we have the highest rate of cancer and heart disease in the world. Asian populations live in much higher pollution, and stress environments than we do and yet have much lower rates of cancer and heart disease. They have much lower % of protein diets and get most of the protein from Soy. In some Asian populations that eat almost no meat have almost zero breast and prostate cancer within the population...very different rates than the US. When you get your protein from Soy you show concentrations of isoflavones in the breast tissue and prostate tissue that inhibit cancer cell formation. This all flies in the face of the Meat and Dairy Association that tries as hard as it can to suppress the message that you don't really need all that protein or calcium for that matter.
I will agree with you that food here in the states sucks. I was born and raised in Spain, and the difference between the quality of food that you get between here and in Europe is night and day. You really can pop down to your local meat guy and pick up meat from a cow that lives 30 outside of the city, on fields in the mountains. Here, who knows where it comes from, and how much crap is in it. You can really taste the difference - I think anyone that's even been outside the country to anywhere else could agree. We stick a lot of hormones and stuff in products here that you don't necessarily get in other places. Especially if you buy local, at least.

We're a seafood-loving country though (second largest consumer of seafood after Japan), so at any rate we're all dying from mercury poisoning!
I will agree with you that food here in the states sucks. I was born and raised in Spain, and the difference between the quality of food that you get between here and in Europe is night and day. You really can pop down to your local meat guy and pick up meat from a cow that lives 30 outside of the city, on fields in the mountains. Here, who knows where it comes from, and how much crap is in it. You can really taste the difference - I think anyone that's even been outside the country to anywhere else could agree. We stick a lot of hormones and stuff in products here that you don't necessarily get in other places. Especially if you buy local, at least.

We're a seafood-loving country though (second largest consumer of seafood after Japan), so at any rate we're all dying from mercury poisoning!

You are right for sure!!! You should watch Food inc. It's an amazing documentary (sponsored by Chipotle) about how meat is produced in the US. It shows chickens that go from hatch to table in 60 days due to what they are fed and how they are genetically engineered. They grow so fast they can't even stand.
You are right for sure!!! You should watch Food inc. It's an amazing documentary (sponsored by Chipotle) about how meat is produced in the US. It shows chickens that go from hatch to table in 60 days due to what they are fed and how they are genetically engineered. They grow so fast they can't even stand.

Food Inc. is a great documentary! I told my friends to watch it and they said the documentary was BS. LOL I am anti Mansanto and think all Americans should be required to see Food Inc.
For some reason alot of people in my school think vegan and vegetarian are the same thing.

I know lots of people that think vegetarians eat fish and seafood. I have been on a cruise where the "vegetarian" section was all fish and seafood. SERIOUSLY people what part about VEGEtarian do you not understand?? If it was walking, crawling, swimming, or flying we don't eat it LOL.
When my kids were still drinking from bottles our pediatricians were always pushing dairy and cows milk. One time my wife had it out with the Doctor and said she refuses to give our kids dirty cows milk. LOL Then my wife said she only gives them hemp milk or coconut milk. The Dr. almost acted like hemp milk would make our kids high. :rolleyes: Needless to say, we have a new pediatrician.

Every time I put milk on my cereal, my wife gives me a dirty look and says look what you're doing to those poor cows.
if we don't eat the animals the animals will eat us haven't any of you guys seen jurassic park or that crocidile movie
if we don't eat the animals the animals will eat us haven't any of you guys seen jurassic park or that crocidile movie

Life isn't based off of a movie. I won't follow what a movie tells me to do.. Just like jumping off a building. Just because your friend does it doesn't mean you should.. It just goes to show how you are a follower. I don't like to follow people. I like to do my own thing.
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