Veiled female MBD, possible constipation

That's actually exactly what we ended up doing, she would get settled and be fine, then try to move and almost fall.

Still have not heard back from the vet... :( He's a great vet for exotics but sometimes he's a bit off...
That's actually exactly what we ended up doing, she would get settled and be fine, then try to move and almost fall.

Still have not heard back from the vet... :( He's a great vet for exotics but sometimes he's a bit off...

Well just keep doing what you are doing. and post any and all questions here. there are several experienced members on here who have/had chams with MBD. Just keep an eye on her and try to get her to the vet asap.

Is she eating at all? drinking water?
ANd natural sunlight is a great thing for her to be in, espcially right now.
She drank some off the syringe this morning while we were outside. I'm going to set up a drip that's easy for her to access today. We haven't seen her eat anything today, she will watch things. While we sat outside this morning there was a fly that kept landing my leg and she'd watch it, but never licked her lips about it... I do know she ate yesterday morning for sure. I am going to get a wider perch in there by this evening so hopefully that will help.... We have not seen any poop yet since we changed out the lining yesterday.
She drank some off the syringe this morning while we were outside. I'm going to set up a drip that's easy for her to access today. We haven't seen her eat anything today, she will watch things. While we sat outside this morning there was a fly that kept landing my leg and she'd watch it, but never licked her lips about it... I do know she ate yesterday morning for sure. I am going to get a wider perch in there by this evening so hopefully that will help.... We have not seen any poop yet since we changed out the lining yesterday.

Good. shes drinking thats a good sign.
As for eating, just make sure she is provided with food. you may want to try cup feeding her. place her food in a cup,m and place the cup near her, so she can see whats in it.
ALso,m you can get some long tweezers hold an insect in them, and show her it. this could help her eat. since she cant get around very well right now.
I think the cup thing would work well. On the occasion she gets meal worms we put them in a little dish and she eats them out of there.

Should I maybe pull a leg off a cricket to decrease mobility to help her? I am also going to order her some worms she can have more often, what is the best kind and what kind of care do they need?

We are changing the cricket's meal plan to help provide better nutrition for her. Are the oranges okay to keep for them or should they go as well?

Thanks again for all of the help!

I was also wondering if it's difficult to do the calcium injections? If the vet will not be able to do it himself and keep her for a week or so, he may dispense to me. I've worked with him before and he knows I'm competent. I worked as a vet assistant for years and in the middle of nursing school. I don't have an issue with injections or drawing meds, but I just never imagined injecting a lizard with anything I guess... Is it something that can be done at home if needed and the vet agrees? Or is it something that is very difficult that needs extensive experience. I do not want to make her worse, but if he can't/won't take her then I want to make sure she is taken care of. He does not work every day at the clinic he's at, so he wouldn't be there all week to care for her, we're trying to get him to take her to his home where he can care for her as needed there. Not that I don't trust the other vets he works with... I just don't know them well enough you know...
I've worked in enough vets to be paranoid about who's caring for my animals, sad but true. My other trusted exotic vet moved to Texas... so that's quite a drive, lol.
Welcome to the forums. I am sad to see your little girl in such bad shape. You have received allot of good advice in this thread if you'll just use it. Make sure that your vet knows chameleons. Once you get her MBD under control I have a blog attached below that you should find useful with all the items you need, links with picturs of them and where you can buy them.
I think the cup thing would work well. On the occasion she gets meal worms we put them in a little dish and she eats them out of there.

Should I maybe pull a leg off a cricket to decrease mobility to help her? I am also going to order her some worms she can have more often, what is the best kind and what kind of care do they need?

We are changing the cricket's meal plan to help provide better nutrition for her. Are the oranges okay to keep for them or should they go as well?

Thanks again for all of the help!
Oranges are ok - good for hydration, have some vits.

I recommend small Calciworms - no need to vitamin dust them or feed them, keep them in the box they come in, they wriggle nicely, but dont really get anywhere, they turn into high calcium flies too....they are also known as Phoenix worms.......
Thanks Jann, I will read it!

Thanks David, I will order them! Do you have a recommended supplier?

I'm just so frustrated with Brad, he is a great vet but easily "irritated" I guess you could say, and I made the mistake of ... suggestion, which can kind of set him off.

I sent a message to my other vet that used to live here, but is now in Texas to see if she recommends anyone that I'm not thinking of. I don't want to send her to someone who doesn't know and makes her worse, or other alternatives. Despite my usual vet's oddities, I fully trust him with my animals and his care of them. I just want to get her better in the best, quickest way possible.
Okay talked with the vet. Said he can do the exam and all of that but not the xray ( long story ) so I need to get the xray done, take it to him, and we'll go from there. So I'm going to try to get the xray done tomorrow after school and take her to him either after that or the next day depending on when he can look at her.

She's very upset she can't seem to climb, so we removed much of her items so not to tempt her. Watched the crickets tonight, but didn't eat any that we saw, I forgot to count how many were in yesterday, but I think she did eat a couple last night.
Thanks David, I will order them! Do you have a recommended supplier?

I don't - I ordered mine from a place in England - but find a site sponsor by looking to the adverts in the top right of your screen. Sounds best to remove the branches - try to leave lots of leaves over her though, she'll feel much more comfortable. She's bound to lose a bit of appetite considering how poorly she is, so as long as she's still eating and drinking something there are good signs.
I was also wondering if it's difficult to do the calcium injections? ........., but I just never imagined injecting a lizard with anything I guess... Is it something that can be done at home if needed and the vet agrees? Or is it something that is very difficult that needs extensive experience. I do not want to make her worse, but if he can't/won't take her then I want to make sure she is taken care of........
And now that the vet issues seem to be under control - I have no medical or veterinary experience at all, the best I can mange to claim is two weeks working in a pet shop bagging foods up :)........I have heard though that injecting lizards is a particularly difficult art to learn....I may be underestimating your abilities but I would definitely not be willing to try it myself.
I order calciworms from they are a site sponsor. Not sure if you have a petco or petsmart near by, but they tend to also carry these worms.
Keep us updated on her condition. Good luck with your 'quirky' vet.
We are about 3 hrs from either.

I did get a call from PetSmart today, from the operations manager of the store we got her from. They offered to refund the purchase, pay for the vet bills and replace her if we wanted. I was extremely impressed.

She drank for me this morning, we still have not seen her eat, but she's not skinny so... there is a small thin poo in her cage this morning.

We got the xray's done, she has no visible eggs, and she barely has any calcification of her bones, it is difficult to read. I told the quirky vet, lol. He's at the clinic today ( I have been contacting him on his cell phone, not his work phone), but if we don't hear from him tonight I talked to the local vet about treating her. He have never treated a chameleon but said he'd do some research just in case, said he would have to order the injectable calcium as well.

My main concern is how much will she recover. Will she gain strength as she gets treated? Will she be able to climb ( she tries to climb anything that comes near her)?

She has mostly been keeping her front arms folded in front of her, but sometimes they don't "work right" for her. Back legs have grip, but still don't "work right" either. Right now she is miserable, and I'm concerned about her not eating when before she would gulp down anything right away. On Saturday she could still climb, now she can't get herself off the towel if you just fold a ridge in it... :(

She's currently in the sun, had her Ca for today, and did drink about 3 big drops of water from the syringe this morning....
Yes. Today while outside it's like her front legs were trapped behind her and she couldn't get them forward... :(

I've not heard back from the exotic vet, the other vet will attempt to treat, but would have to order the meds, that will take 1-2 days to get them even if they're expedited... :( I feel like no one else is feeling like this is an urgent matter but me! ( ETA The vets here, not you guys... just wanted to clarify)

I just watched the video that was linked earlier about the very bad MBD cham, I'm sad to report that her upon arrival there looks about where Pascal is now. From Sat. until now she totally crashed fast, Sat she was still climbing, and now she attempts to grab but can't pull herself up. :( I'm currently very angry with our vet situation, the vet still hasn't gotten back to me...
Yes. Today while outside it's like her front legs were trapped behind her and she couldn't get them forward... :(

I've not heard back from the exotic vet, the other vet will attempt to treat, but would have to order the meds, that will take 1-2 days to get them even if they're expedited... :( I feel like no one else is feeling like this is an urgent matter but me! ( ETA The vets here, not you guys... just wanted to clarify)

I just watched the video that was linked earlier about the very bad MBD cham, I'm sad to report that her upon arrival there looks about where Pascal is now. From Sat. until now she totally crashed fast, Sat she was still climbing, and now she attempts to grab but can't pull herself up. :( I'm currently very angry with our vet situation, the vet still hasn't gotten back to me...

Im so sorry for the situation both your cham and you are in. Im really routing for you :( but it sounds awful, and i cant imagine. :(
Finally heard back from the vet and he thinks she's impacted with eggs... which the xray doesn't show any, he hasn't even seen it yet. I tried to scan it in to post here, but it's too light it won't even scan.

I'm just on the verge of tears with this whole deal and it's breaking my heart to watch her try to move. She can't even stand up on her own, and only holds her head up for a little bit until she seems exhausted...
I've been looking at xrays online that I can find, there is some darker (whiter) areas in the lower abdomen, but they are not round shaped like eggs or anything.

After seeing other xrays of DBM chams I'm feeling very hopeless. You can not even distinguish the bones in her legs, tail, or her ribs from the flesh of the xray... in other's that I saw you could at least still see them although they were considerable lighter... :(
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